
Include tables in your Jira comments or description using a local CSV file.

pip install jirafs-csv-table==1.0.1


Jirafs csv_table Macro

Adds a macro used for including a CSV file as a Jira table:

<jirafs:csv-table src="my_file.csv" />

if you have a file named my_file.csv containing the content:

,Canada,United States of America,Mexico, Guatemala
Capital,"Ottawa, Ontario","Washington, DC","Mexico City, DF","Guatemala City"
Population (millions),35.16,318.9,122.3,15.47

will be automatically transformed into JIRA's special markup:

|| ||Canada||United States of America||Mexico||Guatemala||
|Capital|Ottawa, Ontario|Washington, DC|Mexico City, DF|Guatemala City|
|Population (millions)|35.16|318.9|122.3|15.47|

which, when rendered by JIRA, will look something like this:

  Canada United States of America Mexico Guatemala
Capital Ottawa, Ontario Washington, DC Mexico City, DF Guatemala City
Population (millions) 35.16 318.9 122.3 15.47


  • src: Path to CSV file to include as a table.
  • delimiter: (Default: ",") Delimiter used for separating each column's values. You can use standard python string escape sequences; so for using a tab as your file's field delimiter, you can provide the value of "t".
  • has_header: (Default: True) If the first row of your CSV is not headers


This version requires a Jirafs version of at least 2.0.0.


  1. Install from PIP:

    pip install jirafs_csv_table
  2. Enable for a ticket folder:

    jirafs plugins --enable=csv_table

Note that you can globally enable this (or any) plugin by adding the --global flag to the above command:

jirafs plugins --global --enable=csv_table