
Jmbo banner app.

pip install jmbo-banner==0.2.6


Jmbo Banner

Jmbo banner application. Banners are typically used to serve ads.



  1. Install or add jmbo-banner to your Python path.
  2. Add banner to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
  3. Run migrate banner.


jmbo-banner allows users to create and edit banners in the admin. Each banner can optionally have a byline, a description block, images and CTA buttons. The way in which these components are laid out in each banner is defined in a banner style.

Content types

jmbo-banner defines the following content types:


  • A banner can consist of several buttons, although usually only two are used.
  • A button has a text field which can be used to specify its label, and a link object which can be used to specify its click-through.


  • A banner can be thought of as a container for promotional content. It can consist of buttons, images and promotional text. Each banner also has a style which controls how its contents are rendered.

Banner styles

jmbo-banner allows you to control how each banner will be rendered. The different ways in which a banner can be rendered can be found in a predefined list of styles. A style controls how the different components (buttons, images, description) are rendered through a template partial.

Adding your own banner styles

It is sometimes necessary to have more styles in which banners can be rendered. This can easily be achieved by adding a package, banner_config to one of your own apps and ensuring that you create your custom style in a file. An example structure would be as follows:

<your app>/

All custom styles should inherit from BaseStyle. For most situations, overriding the template_name should suffice. It is important to bear in mind a style's template is meant to be used as a partial containing only the banner content.

from banner.styles import BaseStyle

class CustomStyle(BaseStyle):
    Custom banner style
    template_name = "banner/custom_banner.html"

The CustomStyle should then be available for selection in the list of styles.

Getting banners to render on a page

Banners are typically rendered as part of a page. This can be achieved by using the render_banner template tag as shown below. The template tag accepts either a banner object or it's slug.

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load banner_tags %}

{% block content %}
    {% render_banner <object_or_slug> %}
{% endblock %}