
A recursive json comparison library that handles list orders and fuzzy types

json, comparison, order, unicode, fuzzy
pip install json-compare-deep==2.0



A library to compare any json string/bytes/json-like-objects.

Version 1.20 is an enhance version that supports omit_path to ignore omitted keys in dict, and fixes many bugs, esp counting message inaccurate issue when same length & element collections; and wrong not_found info when different length under ignore_list_seq=True

Version 1.19 is an enhance version that fixes small bugs with strict_number_type supported to make 1 != 1.0.

Version 1.18 is a quickfix + enhance version that fixes custom handlers cannot be passed recursively bug, and float_fuzzy_digits can be passed directly.

Version 1.17 is an enhance version that supports custom handlers to handle outputs.

Version 1.16 is a quickfix version that supports Python 3.8.


  • Compare jsons and print the differences (what and where they are, recursion supported). Useful for interface testing.
  • Config whether it will ignore the order of items in a list or not, recursively.
  • Both python 26+ and 35+ supported.
  • Regular expressions supported for string to skip unconcerned keys or just to assert the format.
  • Compact str and unicode (or bytes and str in python3), they are considered equal. Good for non ascii coding languages.
  • Both json string (unicode or binary str) and json object (dict, list or tuple) are supported.
  • Support tuples, so results from pymysql.cursors.DictCursor can compare with interface response directly.
  • Json type legal check.
  • Support skipping anywhere using argument like ignore_path=["/a/1/k", "/a/1/l"], dict keys or list indexes. Skipped fields are regarded as match.
  • The ignore_path list now support regular expressions too. You can use [r"^(/\d+/a)"] as ignore_path to skip all keys named "a" in [{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"a": 1, "b": 4}] but still compare the value of "b". (New)
    • Useful when compare multi records in database query result (dictionary cursor) with some fields unconcerned.
  • Fuzzy equal when handling floats. (New)
  • Python 3.8 supported. (New)
  • Custom handlers supported. (New)
  • Strict_number_type option to make int(1) != float(1.0) supported. (New)



pip install jsoncomparedeep

or update

pip install -U jsoncomparedeep

a simple example

from json_compare import Jcompare

to see

a is {'key2': {'key3': 1}, 'key1': ['v1', 'v2']}
b is {'key2': {'key3': 2}, 'key1': ['v2', 'v1']}
ignore_list_seq = True, re_compare = True
different value at /key2/key3
a: 1
b: 2

For more demos and information, just install it and visit the test file test_json_compare.py in Your_Python_Path/Lib/site-packages/json_compare/

Small Hints

  • Datetime in SQL result is not JSON serializable type, use something like CAST(create_time as CHAR) 'create_time' in SQL statement to solve it.

Bug report

  • Issues and bugs report to rainydew@qq.com.
  • Homepage icon leads to my Github project page, issues / PRs / stars are welcomed :)