
jsonmason - deconstruct JSON into assignments, mangle them at will, and reconstitute JSON from the assignments.

pip install jsonmason==0.1.0




A utility/library for transforming an object into an editable stream, and reconstructing an object from that stream. To be precise:

  • Transform an an object of acyclic nested collections into an iterable of assignment operations (deconstruction)
  • Create an object of acyclic nested collections from an iterable of assignment operations (reconstruction)


Deconstructing only to reconstruct does not seem very useful in itself. The power is in operating on the intermediary format — the iterable of nodes lends itself well to pattern matching, transformations, and other forms of computation.


In the shell

If you've installed this package (eg pipx install jsonmason), then you should have two executables on your $PATH. Both accept JSON on standard input, and print the deconstruction of that JSON on standard output.

  • jsonmason-nodedump makes it easy to grep for patterns - this is a bit like gron, but is intended to make it easy to find patterns for creating transformations in your Python code.
  • jsonmason-jsdump is even more like , as it prints JS-style assignments that can be pasted straight into a JS console.

In Python code

The basics:

from jsonmason import deconstruct, reconstruct

In addition there is a module attrdict which makes it possible to address dicts by "dot-attribute-paths" (as in JS).

from jsonmason import AttrDict

For examples, have a look at the module docstrings:


Run test.py.