
Fast and effective integration to Jira.

pip install jtrack==1.0



A lightweight Python utility to allow fast and effective integrations of external reporters (e.g. automated scanners) with Jira.


You are using an automated scanner or QA tool and want it to automatically create/update Jira tickets for your teams?

But.. How can my scanner know if the Jira has been already created on a previous scan? This is where jTrack comes in.

jTrack uses a local Sqlite to track the issues that have already been created and then updates the issues OR creates new one if the previous has already been resolved.

The logic in a nutshell



  • Export the Jira details
    export JIRA_URL="https://JIRAURL"
    export JIRA_USER="JIRA_USER"

PIP (recommended)

pip install jtrack


git clone https://github.com/rotemreiss/jTrack.git
cd jTrack
pip install .

Recommended Python Version

jTrack was developed and tested only with Python3.


Short Form Long Form Description
-h --help Show this help message and exit
-p --project The project's name on Jira (e.g. EXAMPLE).
-i --identifier A system identifier for the issue (unique key).
-s --summary Value for the summary field.
-d --description Value for the description field.
-pr --priority Value for the priority field.
-a --attachment One or more file paths seperated by comma to be attached
-l --labels Jira labels to add to new issues, separated by space.
-j --jira-closed-status Jira statuses that are considered to be closed, defaults to 'Closed' and 'Resolved', separated by commas.
-t --jira-type Jira issue type for new tasks, deafults to 'Task'.
-se --skip-existing Do nothing if Jira already exists and open.
-q --quiet Do not print the banner.


  • List all options
    jtrack --help
  • Handle new "event" with the identifier (unique key) domain.com
    jtrack -p MY_PROJECT -i domain.com -s "This is the subject"
  • With Labels
    jtrack -p MY_PROJECT -i domain.com -l SCAN-LABEL, DAILY-SCAN -s "This is the subject"
  • With attachment
    jtrack -p MY_PROJECT -i domain.com -s "This is the subject" -a /tmp/scan-results.log

Real-life Examples

WordPress Scanner

You are running a daily security scan for vulnerabilities with a tool like WPScan and you want to manage all the results for that domain in one (up-to-date) Jira task:

Just pass the domain name as the identifier and the report file as an attachment.

Take a look in the examples directory.

Subdomain Takeover Scanner

See https://github.com/rotemreiss/robusto/blob/master/hooks/_found_hook_jira_example


  • Extend the options (e.g. support other fields and custom fields)
  • Update description or/and fields and not only attachments
  • Generalize the decision and the action to support other actions (e.g. Slack and other ticketing systems)


Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull-requests.


Create new GitHub issue

Want to say thanks? :) Message me on Linkedin

