
JSONWebToken Authenticator for JupyterHub

pip install jupyterhub-jwtauthenticator==0.1


JupyterHub tokenauthenticator - A JWT Token Authenticator for JupyterHub

Authenticate to Jupyterhub using an authenticating proxy that can set the Authorization header with the content of a JSONWebToken.


This package can be installed with pip:

cd jwtauthenticator pip install .

Alternately, you can add this project folder to your PYTHONPATH.


You should edit your :file:jupyterhub_config.py to set the authenticator class, the JSONWebTokenLocalAuthenticator provides features such as local user creation. If you already have local users then you should use the JSONWebTokenAuthenticator authenticator class:

For authentication and local user creation
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'jwtauthenticator.jwtauthenticator.JSONWebTokenLocalAuthenticator'

This class is derived from LocalAuthenticator and therefore provides features such as the ability to add local accounts through the admin interface if configured to do so.

For authentication of the token only
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'jwtauthenticator.jwtauthenticator.JSONWebTokenAuthenticator'
Required configuration

You'll also need to set some configuration options including the location of the signing certificate (in PEM format), field containing the userPrincipalName or sAMAccountName/username, and the expected audience of the JSONWebToken. This last part is optional, if you set audience to an empty string then the authenticator will skip the validation of that field.

c.LocalAuthenticator.signing_certificate = '/foo/bar/adfs-signature.crt'    # The certificate used to sign the incoming JSONWebToken, must be in PEM Format
c.LocalAuthenticator.username_claim_field = 'upn'                           # The claim field contianing the username/sAMAccountNAme/userPrincipalName
c.LocalAuthenticator.audience = 'https://myApp.domain.local/'               # This config option should match the aud field of the JSONWebToken, empty string to disable the validation of this field.
#c.LocalAuthenticator.create_system_users = True                            # This will enable local user creation upon authentication, requires JSONWebTokenLocalAuthenticator, see below.
#c.LocalAuthenticator.header_name = 'Authorization'                         # default value

You should be able to start jupyterhub. :)


If you have any issues or bug reports, all are welcome in the issues section. I'll do my best to respond quickly.


If you want to fix the bugs yourself then raise a PR and I'll take a look :)