A library for benchmarking difference smt sovlers

pip install jz3==0.1.13



This project was partly based on the code from z3-sudoku

This project uses python z3-solver to benchmark encoding techniques to solving the same problem. It then compares the efficiency of each method and between different encoding techniques.

A demo of how to use the library is provided by solving sudoku in ./src/Sudokus

In Sudoku.py both traditional implementation of adding conditional constraints using if-else statements and our approach of adding conditional constraints using our custom solver is presented. An example of two different ways of querying if an index can be set to a number is presented.

Directory Structure

  • /analysis: Includes scripts and notebooks for analyzing solver performance and generating images for reports or presentations.

  • /problem_instances:

    • /particular_hard_instances_records: Particular hard instances identified during the generation process, in txt and SMT format
    • /whole_problem_records: Whole sudoku problems in txt and SMT format
    • Details of recording format explained here
  • /solvers: Houses executables and related files for various SMT solvers used in the project.

  • /src: Contains source code for core functionalities.

    • /Sudokus/Sudoku.py: Contains all functionalities of building sudoku with various constraints, logging sudoku instances to files in string format and smt format, /sudoku_database: Stores string descriptions of generated Sudoku puzzles, both full (solved) and holes (incomplete).
    • /Sudokus/run_sudoku_experiment.py: This file contains the main function. It takes in a sudoku file and solves it using the methods in sudoku.py. It then prints/ the solution and the time taken to solve it.
  • sudoku_database: Stores the already generated full and holes sudokus

    • currline.txt: stores the which line of the full sudokus file should the solver generating sudoku holes start loading from and solving when calling run_experiment
  • /tests: scripts for development testing

  • /time_records: Direct directory for storing time records from solver runs, highlighting the performance of different solvers.

The workflow is depicted in the following picture:
