Computer Vision tools and utility scripts.

pip install k-vision==0.1.5



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The tools in this package help with rendering and visualizing image and text data. A lot of this package is based on the region class in the k-util package. The functions in this package are geared towards working with actual image data.

Region Visualization

Suppose you have a list of one or more regions, and a target image, you can use these functions to create some output visualizations. This is useful if you want to highlight regions, mask regions, pixelate regions, or crop and insert regions.

Draw Regions
image = visual.draw_regions(image, [r1, r2], color=(0, 255, 0), overlay=True)


Mask Regions
image = visual.draw_region_mask(image, [r1, r2])


Pixelate Regions
image = visual.pixelate_region(image, [r1, r2])


Region Extraction

Another notable feature of the visual tools is to be able to safely extract or implant image regions. It's often we need to crop something that is on the edge of an image. These safe extractions will handle those cases by padding the cropped image with black pixels. It can be used both with just numbers, or with a region.

visual.safe_extract(image, -100, 200, -100, 200)
visual.safe_extract_with_region(image, region)



Draw text onto an OpenCV/Numpy format image. This uses a vector font which is then rasterized to the desired size, so we should get good looking text.

Plain Text

Draw a text at the given position onto the image.

image = text.raw_text(image=image, text=display_text, x=0, y=0)


Text Size

Text size can be adjusted numerically. It will rasterize the font for that size and then render it onto the image.

image = text.write_into_region(
    image=image, text=display_text, region=region, font_size=42)


Region with BG

Sometimes it is useful to render a BG behind the text for readability. If we define a region, the entire region will be considered the BG. The BG can also have variable opacity.

image = text.write_into_region(
    image=image, text=display_text, region=region, bg_color=(0, 0, 0))


Left Aligned at Position

We can also set the alignment of the text.

image = text.left_at_position(
    image=image, text=display_text, x=0, y=100, pad=15, bg_color=(0, 0, 0))


Centered at Position

image = text.center_at_position(
    image=image, text=display_text, x=150, y=100, pad=15, bg_color=(0, 0, 0))


Region Anchor

If we define a region for the text to be rendered in, we can also anchor it to some place within that region.

image = text.write_into_region(
    image=image, text=display_text, region=region, pad=15,
    h_align=text.ALIGN_LEFT, show_region_outline=True)


Top Left Anchored

The text can be written as anchored to any part of the parent image. In this case, we will anchor the text to the top left corner. Of course, you can change the h_anchor and v_anchor to render the text in different positions.

image = text.write_anchored(
    image=image, text=display_text, h_anchor=text.ALIGN_LEFT, 
    v_anchor=text.ALIGN_TOP, pad=15, bg_color=(0, 0, 0))


Inline Icon

This package also embeds font icons from FontAwesome. You can replace the unicode here to render different icons.

image = text.write_into_region(
    image=image, text=display_text, region=region, icon=u"\uf447",
    pad=12, h_align=text.ALIGN_LEFT, show_region_outline=True)


Clear BG

Render a region with clear opacity.

image = text.write_into_region(
    image=image, text=display_text, region=region, bg_color=(0, 0, 0), bg_opacity=0.5)


Overlay Text

To render the text with a linear dodge overlay effect.

image = text.write_into_region(
    image=image, text=display_text, region=region, color=(0, 255, 0), overlay=True)


Region Label

If you already have a region being visualized, you can attach a text label to the top or bottom of the region like so.

image = text.label_region(
    image=image, text=display_text, region=region, icon=u"\uf447", show_at_bottom=True)


Color Generator

Usually with visualization, we need to generate n distinct colors to help with labeling unique objects. Here is a function to generate such a list of colors. Note that other parameters, such as the hue radius, saturation, and brightness are also configurable.

Method Signature

Normally you can just specify n, the number of unique colors needed. But if you need more control, you can also submit the additional parameters such as brightness, hue offset, etc.

def generate_colors(n,
                    saturation: float = 1.0,
                    brightness: float = 1.0,
                    hue_offset: float = 0.0,
                    hue_range: float = 1.0,
                    as_numpy: bool = False):
    """ Generates a list of colors with the given parameters. """

Example Color Bar

Here is some sample code to generate a bar with 10 unique colors.

width = 300
height = 20
image = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3))
n = 10
gap = width // n
colors = visual.generate_colors(n)
for i in range(n):
	x = i * gap
	cv2.rectangle(image, (x, 0), (x + gap, height), color=colors[i], thickness=-1)



You can use this to quickly render a collection of images into a grid. Say you have a list of images, and you want to group them all together into one image (to visualize a data batch or gallery, etc) - you can use this handy grid tool!

Method Signature

def grid(
        images: List[np.ndarray],
        n_columns: int=-1,
        n_rows: int=-1,
        image_size: (int, int)=None,
        bg_color: (int, int, int)=(255, 255, 255),
        inner_x_pad: int=5,
        inner_y_pad: int=5,
        outer_pad: int=15


Let's say, for example, we create a list of 16 images. We'll make each image a different color.

n = 16

# Create n randomly colored images.
random_colors = visual.generate_colors(n)
images = [np.zeros((50, 50, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for _ in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
	images[i][:, :] = random_colors[i]

Now we can use grid to visualize this into a single image.

Default Grid

image = visual.grid(images)

By default this will render it into a square shaped grid (or whatever is closest). The images will be resized to be the same size as whatever is the first image. Because there are 16 images, it fits nicely into a 4 x 4 square.


Set Rows and Columns

image = visual.grid(images, n_rows=2)

We can set a hard limit for either the rows, or the columns. If both are set, the grid will be at that size and any excess images will not be drawn. Otherwise if one is left on default (-1) it will auto-scale.


Other Settings

image = visual.grid(images, image_size=(15, 15),
                            inner_x_pad=0, inner_y_pad=0,
                            bg_color=(30, 30, 30))

You can also manually set the size, padding and background color.
