a simple cli RPN calculator written in Python

calculator, kalkulator, cli, RPN, python, rpn-calculator
pip install kalk==0.12.0




Requires the latest stable Python version.

pip install kalk


After installation run kalk from your terminal.

In RPN syntax one would first enter the operands and then the operator:

You may also enter the operands and the operator in one line, just use space to separate them:

(tip: the space is not needed when the syntax is not ambiguous.)

Kalk tries to follow Python's syntax. Similar to Python, ** is the power operator and ^ is bitwise XOR:

Kalk ignores , (thousands separator) within numbers.

Most of the functions defined in Python's math and statistics modules are supported.

and many more.

You can even do datetime and timedelta calculations:

Start a substack (a list) with a [ and end it with a ]. Some functions require lists as argument. For example to calculate the distance between two points or sum of some numbers:

Handy operators:

  • <> swaps the place of the last two values in the stack.
  • c clears the stack
  • cp copies the last result to clipboard.
  • del deletes the last n + 1 values from from the stack with n being the last value in the stack.
  • e adds Euler's number to the stack
  • pi adds the pi constant to the stack
  • pst pastes the contents of clipboard and evaluates it.
  • a the last answer
  • s prints the stack
  • sto stores the value before the last in storage using the last stack value as the key.
  • rcl recalls the value in storage using the last stack value as the key.
  • h prints a list of all operators. (still needs lots of refinements.)
  • ? prints the docstring of the operator given as a string. For example "<>" ? will print the help string on swap. Note that not all functions have documentation yet.
  • ctrl+c (KeyboardInterrupt) will cancel the current input.
  • exit will quit the program.