Kartskrape is an application for downloading files from Kartverket, without using their cumbersome download portal. It is a simple library focused on downloading entire datasets from.
Usage requires that you sign for an account at http://www.kartverket.no/download.
Documentation is simple as there really are just two functions.
# import library
import kartskrape
# get a list of available datasets
datasets = kartskrape.get_datasets()
# download to datafolder
kartskrape.download_dataset("kartverket_user", "password", "offisielle-adresser-utm33-csv", "./data")
Publish to pypi
This is the first project I've submitted to pypi (install with pip). I used twine to publish the package to pypi. Had some problems doing this on Windows with python 2.7, so I'm using python3 to actually push it to pypi.
python setup.py bdist_wheel
twine upload -s dist/*