
A ConfigParser subclass that can read values stored with the keyring pypi package.

configparser, keyring, python
pip install keyring-configparser==0.1.2



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A ConfigParser subclass that can read values stored with the keyring pypi package.


pip install keyring_configparser


It is recommended to be familiar with the ConfigParser module and the keyring pypi package before use.

KeryingConfigParser is identical to ConfigParser except when it reads a specific token as a configuration value ("$." by default) it uses the keyring package to resolve the value. This enables using secret values in configuration files without storing the value as plain-text within the file.

Basic Example

non_secret = hello world
secret_name = $.
import keyring

keyring.set_password("section_name", "secret_name", "secret_value")
from keyring_configparser import KeyringConfigParser

config = KeyringConfigParser()"/tmp/app.config")
config.get('section_name', 'non_secret')
> "hello world"
sec = config.get('section_name', 'secret_name')
> "secret_value"

Additional Examples

Configured Keyring Instances

A configured keyring instance can be supplied to the KeyringConfigParser constructor. This allows using non-default backends or any other non-default keyring settings when looking up values in keyring.

For example, to use the keyrings.cryptfile backend:

non_secret = hello world
secret_name = $.
from keyrings.cryptfile.cryptfile import CryptFileKeyring

kr = CryptFileKeyring()
kr.keyring_key = "CRYPTFILE_PASSWORD"
kr.set_password("section_name", "secret_name", "secret_value")
from keyring_configparser import KeyringConfigParser
from keyrings.cryptfile.cryptfile import CryptFileKeyring

kr = CryptFileKeyring()
kr.keyring_key = "CRYPTFILE_PASSWORD"

config = KeyringConfigParser(keyring=kr)"/tmp/app.config")
config.get('section_name', 'secret_name')
> "secret_value"

Custom Config Token

A token can be supplied to the KeyringConfigParser constructor to override the default token "$.". When the custom token is encountered in the configuration file the value will be resolved with keyring.

non_secret = hello world
secret_name = !~!
default_token = $.
import keyring

keyring.set_password("section_name", "secret_name", "secret_value")
from keyring_configparser import KeyringConfigParser

config = KeyringConfigParser(token="!~!")"/tmp/app.config")
config.get('section_name', 'secret_name')
> "secret_value"
config.get('section_name', 'default_token')
> "$."

Questions / Issues

Please raise any questions in the Discussions page of the repository.

Please document any issues encountered in the Issues page of the repository.