Code-generator for building small desktop applications with Python and Tkinter

frontend, ui
pip install kkappkit==0.25.0



Framework for building small desktop tools with Python and Tkinter


This project aims to simplify building:

  • Small desktop tools
  • Prototypes, demos, and tutorials

Target Users

  • Scientists and engineers
  • Technical artists

Benefits for End-Users

  • Easy to add GUI frontend to command-line programs, and release them as standalone apps
  • Simple and consistent layout: All tools made by this kit use single-page and endless-vertical-scroll paradigms
  • Supports both CLI and GUI
  • Supports important common app features out of the box, such as reset-to-default, presets and context help

Benefits for Developers

  • Almost no frontend code to write, thanks to its declarative JSON configuration that drives code generation
  • Decouples frontend-backend developement using the Model-View-Controller architecture
  • CI/CD friendly: ready-to-use build scripts for testing, building, and packaging in the generated app
  • Lightweight: The GUI code only depends on small wrapper packages around Python 3 and Tkinter

How to install kkappkit?

  • Clone this repo
  • POSIX: cd kkappkit && sudo ln -s $(pwd)/kkappgen /usr/local/bin/; ensure /usr/local/bin is under your system $PATH
  • Windows: cd kkappkit && mklink a\folder\under\your\system\%PATH%\kkappgen.bat .\kkappgen\kkappgen.bat

How to work with kkappkit?

  • Initialize a new app project: kkappgen -r /path/to/my_app_root -t <template_name>
    • This generates a Poetry project with a template app
    • Look for template name under res/template/*.app.json; the firstname of the template file is the template name
  • Edit pyproject.toml and install dependencies: cd /path/to/my_app_root && poetry install
  • Design the app parameter interface by editing the initialized configuration file, e.g., src/app.json
  • Generate the interface (CLI/GUI) code: kkappgen -r /path/to/my_app_root
  • Implement the core and hooks as a CLI or GUI or both
  • Run the CLI or GUI using: run or gui
  • Optionally, dev builds a standalone app bundle for distribution based on the configuration
  • See demo folder for examples

Why not use a full-fledged framework like PySide, PyGTK, or Electron?

  • Most of them are too heavy for small tools, complicating CI and distribution; TkInter as the first-party GUI lib simplifies distribution
  • Those frameworks aim at breadth and come with a steep learning curve (opinions); I want to bake in just enough policies for RAD without making the kit too opinionated

How to run the demos?

The guides below assume:

  • You are a POSIX developer; Windows developers should be able to adapt the steps accordingly
  • You have cloned and installed kkappkit
  • You have poetry on your system

The demos must be built before running:

  • The demo assets are located under demo folder.
  • character is a form-filling demo
  • oscillator is a controller demo

Next, we'll introduce each demo.


# create a new skeleton, use -f to force-overwrite existing files 
cd /path/to/kkappkit
kkappgen -r /path/to/character -t template

# navigate to the generated app  
cd /path/to/character
# edit pyproject.toml to add dependencies
# then install dependencies
rm poetry.lock &> /dev/null
poetry install

# manually edit the configuration file (src/app.json) to fill in app metadata and input/output
# and generate the interface code
# overwrite the default assets with demo implementation
kkappgen -r `pwd` -i /path/to/kkappkit/demo/character

# run the app and play around with it

# quit the app after done
# build the standalone app for local testing 

# release as a platform-dependent installer


Similart to the above steps, but the demo assets are located under demo/oscillator.