
Python replacement for homebrew

pip install klp==0.0.1




A simple python replacement for homebrew for installing binary packages on MacOS


I built Kelp to scratch my own itch while using Homebrew. For example if you use homebrew to install terraform, it is cumberson to switch between different terraform versions. Here is why I built Kelp:

  • No waiting for a formula to become available on homebrew
  • Switch between different versions of a package easily
  • Keep all your computers up to date with a single installation manifest
  • Install multiple packages at one time.

How To Install

curl https://github.com/crhuber/kelp/releases/download/v0.2.2/kelp -o ~/kelp
chmod +x ~/kelp

How Does it Work?

It downloads all the packages in a ~/.kelp/.kelp.json file to ~/.kelp/bin. It can download any binary file on github releases.

How Do I Use It?

  1. Download the latest kelp release from github releases

  2. Initliaze Kelp

    kelp init

  3. Add kelp to your PATH

    export PATH=~/.kelp/bin/:$PATH

  4. Add a new package

    kelp add wercker/stern:latest

  5. Install

    kelp install

How do I install multiple packages at one time?

  1. Edit ~/.kelp/.kelp.json and add all your favorite packages there. For example mine looks ike
    "sharkdp/fd": "latest",
    "sharkdp/bat": "latest",
    "ubnt-intrepid/dot": "latest",
    "tsenart/vegeta": "latest",
    "junegunn/fzf-bin": "latest",
    "termit/flycut": "latest",
    "rxhanson/rectangle": "latest",
    "lwouis/alt-tab-macos": "latest",
    "versent/saml2aws": "latest",
    "watchexec/watchexec": "latest",
    "wercker/stern": "latest",
    "hashicorp/terraform": "https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.14/terraform_0.11.14_darwin_amd64.zip",
    "ogham/exa": "latest",
    "Marginal/QLVideo": "latest",
    "JohnCoates/Aerial": "latest",
    "istio/istio": "latest",
    "aws/aws-iam-authenticator": "https://amazon-eks.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/1.14.6/2019-08-22/bin/darwin/amd64/aws-iam-authenticator",
    "helm/helm": "v2.16.0"
  1. Run kelp

    kelp install

What if the package I want is not on github releases?

Easy. Just add the http(s) link to the binary like so to your .kelp.json file

kelp add hashicorp/terraform https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.13/terraform_0.11.13_darwin_amd64.zip


Why wasnt my package installed ?

Kelp looks for binaries made for MacOS, if it finds a binary for linux or windows it will skip downloading it.

Why is kelp so slow?

I used PyInstaller to freeze this Python applications into stand-alone executable which means its a little slow when executing

Does it work for Linux?

Not yet