
Client for Koheron TCP server

TCP, server, FPGA, Instrumentation, c-plus-plus, websocket-server
pip install koheron-tcp-client==2.0.2



Circle CI

High performance TCP/Websocket server for instrument control

Accessing C++ code through the network

Consider the following C++ class

// hello_world.hpp
#ifndef __HELLO_WORLD_HPP__
#define __HELLO_WORLD_HPP__

class HelloWorld
    unsigned int add_42(unsigned int num) {return num + 42;}

#endif // __HELLO_WORLD_HPP__

All the public functions (except the constructor, the destructor) are made accessible through TCP and/or WebSocket. The class is statically compiled into the server to maximize performance.

Simply add the path of hello_world.hpp into the devices section of your config file (checkout the config folder for examples) and build make CONFIG=<config_file.yml>.

Python TCP client

from koheron_tcp_client import KClient, command

class HelloWorld(object):
    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

    def add_42(self, num):
        return self.client.recv_uint32()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    client = KClient('')
    hw = HelloWorld(client)
    print hw.add_42(58) # 100

Javascript WebSocket client

The javascript API is compatible both for browser and NodeJS use.

webclient = require('koheron-websocket-client.js')
Command = webclient.Command

class HelloWorld
    constructor : (@kclient) ->
        @device = @kclient.getDevice("HELLO_WORLD")
        @cmds = @device.getCmds()

    add42 : (num, cb) ->
        @kclient.readUint32(Command(@device.id, @cmds.add_42, 'I', num), cb)

client = new webclient.KClient('', 1)

client.init( =>
    hw = new HelloWorld(client)
    hw.add42(58, (res) ->
        console.log res

C TCP client

#include <kclient.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    struct kclient *kcl = kclient_connect("", 36000);
    dev_id_t id = get_device_id(kcl, "HELLO_WORLD");
    op_id_t add_42_ref = get_op_id(kcl, id, "ADD_42");

    uint32_t res;
    kclient_send_command(kcl, id, add_42_ref, "I", 58);
    kclient_read_u32(kcl, &res);

    printf("%u\n", res);
    return 0;