
Manages Data Store with External Bulk Data

data-management, provenance, python, radiuss, workflow, workflows
pip install kosh==1.2


Kosh Logo


Kosh allows codes to store, query, share data via an easy-to-use Python API. Kosh lies on top of Sina and as a result can use any database backend supported by Sina.

In addition Kosh aims to make data access and sharing as simple as possible.

Via "loaders", "transformers" and "operators" Kosh can access and process data in a consistent fashion, decoupled from data format and location.

Kosh is a Hindi word that means treasury, which is derived from Kosha, a Sanskrit word that means container in either a direct or metaphorical sense. A fairly good translation would be repository.

Getting Started

To get the latest public version:

pip install kosh

To get the latest stable, from a cloned repo simply run:

pip install .

Alternatively add the path to this repo to your PYTHONPATH environment variable, or in your code with:

import sys

For more details look into the installation doc

First steps

See this file

Getting Involved

Kosh is user-oriented, and users' questions, comments, and contributions help guide its evolution. We welcome involvement and feedbacks.

Contact Info

You can reach our team at kosh-support@llnl.gov. Kosh main developer can be reached at: doutriaux1@llnl.gov


Contributions should be submitted as a pull request pointing to the develop branch, and must pass Kosh's CI process; to run the same checks locally, use:

pytest tests/test_kosh*py

Contributions must be made under the same license as Kosh (see the bottom of this file).

Release and License

Kosh is distributed under the terms of the MIT license; new contributions must be made under this license.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
