
Tool for generating kubernetes (k8s) manifests using Jinja templates.

pip install kubetemp==0.2.5.dev0



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Tool for generating kubernetes (k8s) manifests using Jinja templates.


Kubetemp requires Python 3.6 or greater and can be installed by pip:

pip install kubetemp

Local installation

To install the kubetemp package locally, simply run:

pip install .

For development, it is useful to install in editable mode:

pip install -e .


Usage instructions from kubetemp CLI tool:

Usage: kubetemp [OPTIONS] TEMPLATE

  Renders Jinja template with parameters

  -f, --file PATH      Read parameters from JSON or YAML file
  -p, --param TEXT...  Define parameters to render template
  -o, --output PATH    Write rendered template to output file
  --help               Show this message and exit.


Render template with parameters from parameters.yaml and the parameter TAG=0.2.7. If the TAG parameter is defined in the parameters file it will be over-written by the value provided in the CLI argument.

kubetemp template-file.yaml -f parameters.yaml -p TAG 0.2.7

Render template with parameters IMAGE=docker/myimage and TAG=0.2.7.

kubetemp template-file.yaml -p IMAGE docker/myimage -p TAG 0.2.7

Render template with parameters from parameters.yaml and output the results to output-rendered.yaml. If an output file is not specified, then results will be output to STDOUT.

kubetemp template-file.yaml -p parameters.yaml -o output-rendered.yaml

Templates can also be provided via STDIN by using "-" inplace of a template filepath

cat template-file.yaml | kubetemp - -p IMAGE docker/myimage -p TAG 0.2.7