

pip install kumex-python==2.0.1


Welcome to python-kumex-sdk v1.0.10

https://img.shields.io/badge/version-v1.0.10-green https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.6%2B-green https://img.shields.io/badge/releases-v1.0.10-green


  • Implementation of REST endpoints
  • Simple handling of authentication
  • Response exception handling
  • Implement websockets (note only python3.6+)

Quick Start

Register an account with KuMEX.

To test on the Sandbox with KuMEX Sandbox.

Generate an API Key or Generate an API Key in Sandbox and enable it.

pip install python-kumex==1.0.10
#  MarketData
from kumex.client import Market
client = Market()
# or connect to Sandbox
# client = Market(is_sandbox=True)

# get l3_order_book
l3_depth = client.l3_order_book('XBTUSDM')

# get l2_order_book
l2_depth = client.l2_order_book('XBTUSDM')

# get symbol ticker
klines = client.get_ticker("XBTUSDM")

# get symbol ticker
server_time = client.get_server_timestamp()

api_key = '<api_key>'
api_secret = '<api_secret>'
api_passphrase = '<api_passphrase>'

# Trade
from kumex.client import Trade
client = Trade(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase)

# or connect to Sandbox
# client = Trade(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase, is_sandbox=True)

# place a limit buy order
order_id = client.create_limit_order('XBTUSDM', 'buy', '1', '30', '8600')

# place a market buy order   Use cautiously
order_id = client.create_market_order('XBTUSDM', 'buy', '1')

# cancel limit order

# cancel all limit order

# User
from kumex.client import User
client = User(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase)

# or connect to Sandbox
# client = User(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase, is_sandbox=True)

address = client.get_withdrawal_quota('XBT')


import asyncio
from kumex.client import WsToken
from kumex.ws_client import KumexWsClient

async def main():
    async def deal_msg(msg):
        if msg['topic'] == '/contractMarket/level2:XBTUSDM':
            print(f'Get XBTUSDM Ticker:{msg["data"]}')
        elif msg['topic'] == '/contractMarket/level3:XBTUSDM':
            print(f'Get XBTUSDM level3:{msg["data"]}')

    # is public
    # client = WsToken()
    # is private
    client = WsToken(key='', secret='', passphrase='')
    # is sandbox
    # client = WsToken(is_sandbox=True)
    ws_client = await KumexWsClient.create(loop, client, deal_msg, private=False)
    await ws_client.subscribe('/contractMarket/level2:XBTUSDM')
    await ws_client.subscribe('/contractMarket/level3:XBTUSDM')
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(60, loop=loop)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()