
KVDR - Key/Value Dump and Restore

backup, dump, key-value, redis, restore
pip install kvdr==1.0.2



Key/Value Dump and Restore (KVDR)

Simple tool to dump and restore data from Key/Value (Redis like) databases.



Quick (Linux)

Assuming you have pip3 already installed (CentOS: yum install python3 installs python3-pip too):

pip3 install --user kvdr
kvdr --help
# or, in the case .local/bin is not in your $PATH:
# .local/bin/kvdr --help

Quick (Linux, Git)

You may want to install a version that has not been published to PyPI. In this case please do the following:

# Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv $HOME/.kvdr
# Activate it
. $HOME/.kvdr/bin/activate
# Install kvdr, version 0.9.8
pip3 install git+https://gitlab.com/dejan/kvdr.git@0.9.8#egg=kvdr

In theory every useful change I made in kvdr is tagged with a new (semantic) version, so it may be that at the time you read this there were some newer releases, so please check the GitLab page.

Installation on Windows/ReactOS should be as straightforward. I suggest you try MSYS2. In MSYS2, with Python3 packages installed, the installation steps should be the same as above.

How to use

Use kvdr or kvdr --help to see the list of available options. It should look something like:

KVDR - Key/Value Dump and Restore

  kvdr dump [--file=<file_name> | --screen] <redis_url>
  kvdr load (--file=<file_name>) [--dry-run] <redis_url>
  kvdr --dry-run
  kvdr (-h | --help)
  kvdr --version

  -h --help           Show this screen.
  --version           Show version.
  --screen            Dump to the console instead of file.
  --file=<file_name>  A file where we store dumped Redis records. Default: "redis.dump"
  --dry-run           A trial run. Works only for the loading operation.

  kvdr dump --file=redis13.backup redis://admin:BABADEDAuikxWx0oPZYfPE3IXJ9BVlSC@localhost:6379/13
  kvdr load --file=redis13.backup redis://:BABADEDAuikxWx0oPZYfPE3IXJ9BVlSC@localhost:6379/3

Data dump

redis-cli -h localhost -a BABADEDAuikxWx0oPZYfPE3IXJ9BVlSC -n 13 < var/test-data.redis
kvdr dump --file=redis-dump.txt redis://admin:BABADEDAuikxWx0oPZYfPE3IXJ9BVlSC@localhost:6379/13

If you have just cloned the kvdr repository, but not installed anything, you can run it inside the working directory:

cd <path to the working directory>
python3 -m venv $HOME/.kvdr
# Activate it
. $HOME/.kvdr/bin/activate
PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m kvdr.kvdr dump --file=redis-dump.txt redis://admin:BABADEDAuikxWx0oPZYfPE3IXJ9BVlSC@localhost:6379/13

Data load

Load the redis.dump file data into the redis://localhost/3 database

# Let's first delete all the data in the existing database:
redis-cli -h localhost -a BABADEDAuikxWx0oPZYfPE3IXJ9BVlSC -n 3 | echo "flushdb\nquit"
# Load the data    
kvdr load --file=redis.dump redis://localhost/3

This does not work (yet):

kvdr load --dry-run --file=redis.dump file:///blah.dat


Andy McCurdy - for writing fantastic Python library for Redis.


  • Add support for memcached
  • Add support for DynamoDB
  • Check whether kvdr works out-of-box with KeyDB
  • Design an API so users can write Dumper/Loader implementations of their own.

Bug reports and feature requests

Please file an issue on GitLab.