
Python module for interfacing Kyte API

python, kyte, api
pip install kyte==0.1.1


Kyte API Python Library


The Kyte API Python Library is designed to facilitate communication between a Python client and the Kyte API endpoint. It simplifies the process of authentication, request signing, and making API calls.


You can install the Kyte API Python Library using pip:

pip install kyte

Installing on AWS Lambda

To install on AWS Lambda you will need to use layers. Run the following code and make sure the folder you install the modules is called python:

mkdir python
pip install kyte -t python
zip -r9 python

Upload the zip file to your AWS lambda as a new layer. You can find details on how to add a layer to your lambda function here.



To initialize, import Kyte from the kyte module and call Api(). For application, you can supply an optional kyte_app_id to connect to the application that is hosted on Kyte.

from kyte import Kyte

# Initialize the Kyte API client
client = Kyte.Api(public_key, private_key, kyte_account, kyte_identifier, kyte_endpoint, kyte_app_id)

Making Requests

Create Session

# Creating a session
client.createSession(username, password)

Make GET Request

# Making a GET request
result = client.get(model, field, value, headers)

Make POST Request

# Making a POST request
result =, data, headers)

Make PUT Request

# Making a PUT request
result = client.put(model, field, value, data, headers)

Make DELETE Request

# Making a DELETE request
result = client.delete(model, field, value, headers)

Additional Information

  • model: The specific model for the API endpoint.
  • field and value: Optional parameters for filtering.
  • data: Payload for POST and PUT requests.
  • headers: Additional headers to be included in the request.


# Example usage
client = api(public_key, private_key, kyte_account, kyte_identifier, kyte_endpoint)
client.createSession(username, password)
result = client.get("example_model", "example_field", "example_value", {'Custom-Header': 'Value'})

Testing Locally

You can install the package locally by:

pip install .

If you have an existing install, you can update the package and depenencies by:

pip install --upgrade .

Lastly, to uninstall the package, use the package name

pip uninstall kyte

Creating a Source Distribution

For all Python projects, it's advisable to offer a source distribution.

PyPI mandates specific metadata that should be included in your file. To ensure your project meets these requirements, run:

python check

If no issues are reported, your package is considered compliant.

To create a source distribution, execute the following command from your root directory:

python sdist

Creating a Wheel Distribution

You have the option to generate a wheel distribution, which is a pre-built distribution tailored for the current platform.

If you don't have the wheel package, you can install it via pip:

pip install wheel

There are various types of wheels available. For a project that's purely Python and compatible with both Python 2 and 3, you can create a universal wheel:

python bdist_wheel --universal

For projects that aren't Python 2/3 compatible or contain compiled extensions, use the following command:

python bdist_wheel

The installable wheel will be generated within the dist/ directory, and a separate build directory will contain the compiled code.

Publishing on PyPI

Install twine if not already available:

pip install twine

Uploading to testpypi

Before making the package available publicly, it is best to test the upload and install using testpypi. To upload to testpypi, run

twine upload --repository-url dist/*

You can alternatively specify the source distribution instead of uploading all generated distributions in the dist/ directory.

To test install from testpypi, run:

pip install --index-url kyte --user

Uploading to PyPI

Once you've completed the test above, you can upload the package to PyPI using:

twine upload dist/*

And test the install using:

pip install kyte --user


Feel free to contribute to this project by opening issues or submitting pull requests in the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.