
launchR finds your R installation and provides convenience functions for running R scripts from Python, including package installation and running scripts.

pip install launchR==0.2.2


launchR - simple R code execution from Python

launchR finds your R installation and provides convenience functions for running R scripts from Python, including package installation and running scripts. Currently, error output will be displayed in your Python script, but normal output may not.


To install launchR, simply call pip install launchR


import launchR
R = launchR.Interpreter()  # by default, finds R using the 
R.install_packages(["dplyr", "Rcpp"])  # raises launchR.PackageInstallError on failure"full\\path\\to\\my_script.R", "--args", "argument1", "argument2",)  # raises launchR.RExecutionError on failure
print(R.version)  # the R version found in the registry for the current interpreter

Or alternatively, if you are trying to use a specific version

# get a specific version of the interpreter, if installed
R = launchR.Interpreter(version="3.3.2")  # raises WindowsError if it can't be found
print(R.executable)  # prints the path to the found executable
print(R.user_library)  # prints the path to the user packages folder

Methods and Caveats

Currently, launchR is Windows only and finds the R install from the registry. If R wasn't installed with the setting to put R information in the registry, launchR will not find R. R can be installed for all users or as a local user. LaunchR will check for an all users installation first, and check for a local user installation as a backup if it can't find a copy installed for all users