
Get data from Stackalytics trough the CLI.

pip install launchpadstats==0.1.5



Get the Launchpad statistics trough Stackalytics and create CSV or HTML tables out of them. The CSV output uses ; as a delimiter.

Each section in the configuration file corresponds to a table name - the name can be anything and does not have any effect on the table structure. A table can have a certain type and overwrite the default values. Currently implemented table types are group-metrics and user-metrics.


With the group-metrics table type, using the example configuration file provided:

$ launchpadstats -c ./config.ini --table-name tableA
metric/release; havana; icehouse; juno
drafted_blueprint_count; 2; 0; 1
completed_blueprint_count; 1; 1; 1
filed_bug_count; 55; 45; 64
resolved_bug_count; 9; 7; 10
sum; 67; 53; 76

Example with the user-metrics table type:

$ launchpadstats -c ./config.ini --table-name user-metrics-havana
user/metric; drafted_blueprint_count; completed_blueprint_count; filed_bug_count; resolved_bug_count; commit_count; reviews (-2, -1, +1, +2, A)
mkollaro; 1; 0; 3; 1; 9; (0, 6, 12, 0, 0)
psedlak; 0; 1; 0; 0; 9; (0, 9, 19, 0, 0)
afazekas; 1; 0; 48; 8; 82; (2, 57, 83, 439, 66)

Create a single HTML page with all the tables (each section is considered a table, except the section DEFAULT):

$ launchpadstats -c ./config.ini -o html > everything.html


Look into config.ini for an example.

Table types

Currently implemented table types are group-metrics and user-metrics, which you can specify in the table-type option.

  • group-metrics - Show the metrics of the group per release in columns. The group is defined as the list of people passed in the people option. One metric per line is shown, releases are columns. Shows a sum of the metrics per release.
  • user-metrics - For each person in the people option, display a line with their metrics (given in the metrics option), summed up in all the releases specified in releases.

Possible metrics

These are the values you can give to the option metrics.

  • email_count
  • loc - lines of code
  • commit_count
  • drafted_blueprint_count
  • completed_blueprint_count
  • reviews - shows in the format (-2, -1, +1, +2, A)
  • filed_bug_count
  • resolved_bug_count
  • patch_set_count

Other options

  • option people - list of user IDs, which should be the same as the user_id parameter on the Stackalytics webpage, i.e.
  • option releases - list of OpenStack releases, in lower case (e.g. havana,icehouse,juno,..)
  • option description - shown in the output as a header (in html) or comment (in csv) before the table

The options given in the DEFAULT section can be used as short-cuts in other options.