
**laura**: Local Auto-Regressive Average

eeg, inverse, inverse-problem, meeg, meg, mne-python, python, solution
pip install laura==0.0.1


laura: Local Auto-Regressive Average

This repository contains the source code for the Local AUto-Regressive Average (LAURA) inverse solution as described by de Peralta Menendez et al. (2001, 2004). The code is based on mne-python, a powerful EEG library for python.

Personally, I think this linear inverse solution finds the neural sources underlying M/EEG measurements with great success and is a valuable option among other inverse solutions such as minimum norm estimates and (e)LORETA.


That's it!

Installation from PyPi

Use pip to install laura and all its dependencies from PyPi:

pip install laura

Quick Start

The following code demonstrates how to use this package:

from laura import compute_laura

stc = compute_laura(evoked, forward)

, where evoked is an instance of mne.Evoked and forward is an instance of mne.Forward. For further explanation on mne and its objects please refer to the mne website.

For a more comprehensive tutorial hop over to this notebook!


Please leave your feedback and bug reports at


Please cite the authors of the LAURA inverse solution appropriately:

[1] Menendez, R. G. D. P., Andino, S. G., Lantz, G., Michel, C. M., & Landis, T. (2001). Noninvasive localization of electromagnetic epileptic activity. I. Method descriptions and simulations. Brain topography, 14(2), 131-137.

[2] de Peralta Menendez, R. G., Murray, M. M., Michel, C. M., Martuzzi, R., & Andino, S. L. G. (2004). Electrical neuroimaging based on biophysical constraints. Neuroimage, 21(2), 527-539.

I would be happy if you would cite this package, too:

LAURA was calculated using the laura python package available at


The current implementation is limited to:

  • fixed dipole orientations
  • time-domain EEG data

Feel free to modify the code and start a pull request!
