A Python API for interacting with Lemonbar

lemonbar, api, lemonbar-api, arch, linux
pip install lemonbar==0.6.2


Lemonbar API


Provide a simple to use, modern asynchronous Pythonic API for Lemonbar.

Grow upon the primitives that Lemonbar provides, to provide the end-user of this library with extensive features.

Getting Started


How to use

Creating a Lemonbar instance.

Firstly, you must create an instance of the Lemonbar class.

This class manages the low-level interactions with Lemonbar CLI and abstracts them for you.

from lemonbar import Lemonbar
from lemonbar.models import BarGeometry
from lemonbar.models.bar_placement import BarPlacement

async def main():
    lemonbar = Lemonbar(
            # modules... (Talked about later)
    await lemonbar.attach()

Above, you see how you create the Lemonbar instance.

As you can see all the passing of CLI arguments is abstracted away from you in a nice and clean fashion. To add on to that, all types passed are validated using Pydantic - Including colors and screen outputs. Unfortunately, validation could not be made for font names.


Default values are passed according to Lemonbar specification.

All you need to do to have Lemonbar running is define modules!

modules: List[Module]

Modules are an interface that the Lemonbar class knows how to communicate with.

They allow you to efficiently render data on to a bar.

geometry: BarGeometry = None

Allows you to define the size and offsets of the bar on the screen.

outputs: Optional[List[MonitorId]] = None

Allows you to define the monitors which you'd like the Lemonbar to be displayed on. If nothing is passed, it will display on all screens.

placement: BarPlacement = BarPlacement.TOP

Allows you to define whether you want the bar to be placed on the top of your screen or on the bottom.

force_dock: bool = False

Force docking without asking the window manager. This is needed if the window manager isn't EWMH compliant.

fonts: Optional[List[str]] = None

Define the font to load into one of the five slots See: Lemonbar Options

permanent: bool = False

Make the bar permanent, don't exit after the standard input is closed.

title: Optional[str] = ""

Defines the WM_NAME of the bar. Meaning the title of the window.

underline_width: int = 1

Sets the underline width in pixels. The default is 1.

background_color: Optional[str] = None

Set the background color of the bar.

Since Pydantic is used, any of the following is valid: Pydantic Color Extension

  1. name (e.g. "Black", "azure")
  2. hexadecimal value (e.g. "0x000", "#FFFFFF", "7fffd4")
  3. RGB/RGBA tuples (e.g. (255, 255, 255), (255, 255, 255, 0.5))
  4. RGB/RGBA strings (e.g. "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")
  5. HSL strings (e.g. "hsl(270, 60%, 70%)", "hsl(270, 60%, 70%, .5)")

foreground_color: Optional[str] = None

Same as background color but for the foreground.

underline_color: Optional[str] = None

Same as background color but for underlines.

logger: logging.Logger = _DEFAULT_LOGGER

The logger the Lemonbar class should use when logging information about the execution of modules.


A module is simply a class which defines the following:

  1. What string to render
  2. When to render
  3. How to handle events (stdout from Lemonbar)
  4. When to handle events

See one of the predefined modules for an example.

For example: Clock

Modules also have the option to define a Module Configuration, a configuration is made up of the following fields:

minimum_render_interval: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)

The minimum amount of time to wait before calling render() on the module again.

This is a guarantee that after at least timedelta, in the next render cycle, the render method is called.

force_render_on_event: bool = True

Allows you to override minimum_render_interval if the module processed an event. Meaning, if minimum_render_interval has not passed but the module processed an event, render will be called.

cache_exceptions: bool = True

If true and an exception is raised in the module, do not try immediately on the next render cycle to re-render but wait minimum_render_interval.


This library also provides formatters for those defined here under the formatters package.

You are more than welcome to take a look at it!