
Moon, Make MOO great again

multiobjective-learning, multiobjective-optimization, multitask-learning, reinforcement-learning
pip install libmoon==0.1.10


Moon: A Standardized/Flexible Framework for MultiObjective OptimizatioN


'' I raise my cup to invite the moon. With my shadow we become three from one. '' -- Li Bai.

Moon: is a multiobjective optimization framework, from single-objective optimization to multiobjective optimization, towards a better understanding of optimization problems and fair comparasions between MOO algorithms.

Main contributors: Xiaoyuan Zhang (project leader), Ji Cheng, Liao Zhao, Weiduo Liao, Zhe Zhao, Xi Lin, Cheng Gong, Longcan Chen.

Advised by: Prof. Yifan Chen, Prof. Zhichao Lu, Prof. Ke Shang, Prof. Tao Qin.

Corresponding to: Prof. Qingfu Zhang (CityU HK).

The following methods can refer to (Welcome to star both!)

(1) A standardlized gradient based framework.

  • Problem class. For more problem details, please also check the file. (i) For synthetic problems,
  • Problem Paper Project/Code
    ZDT paper project
    DTLZ [paper] project
    MAF paper [project]
    WFG code Real world problems. Y
    Fi's code Real world problems. Y
    RE paper code

(2) For multitask learning problems,

Problem Paper Project/Code
Fairness Classification COSMOS COSMOS
Federated Learning Federal MTL
Problem Paper Project/Code
Synthetic (DST FTS...) Envelop code
Robotics (MO-MuJoCo...) PGMORL code
  • Gradient-based Solver.

    Method Property #Obj Support Published Complexity
    EPO code Exact solution. Any Y ICML 2020 $O(m^2 n K )$
    COSMOS code Approximated exact solution. Any Y ICDM 2021 $O(m n K )$
    MOO-SVGD code A set of diverse Pareto solution. Any Y NeurIPS 2021 $O(m^2 n K^2 )$
    MGDA code Arbitray Pareto solutions. Location affected highly by initialization. Any Y NeurIPS 2018 $O(m^2 n K )$
    PMTL code Pareto solutions in sectors. 2. 3 is difficult. Y NeurIPS 2019 $O(m^2 n K^2 )$
    PMGDA Pareto solutions satisfying any preference. Any Y Under review $O(m^2 n K )$
    GradienHV WangHao code It is a gradient-based HV method. 2/3 Y CEC 2023 $O(m^2 n K^2 )$
    Aggregation fun. based, e.g. Tche,mTche,LS,PBI,... Pareto solution with aggregations. Any Y

    Here, $m$ is the number of objectives, $K$ is the number of samples, and $n$ is the number of decision variables. For neural network based methods, $n$ is the number of parameters; hence $n$ is very large (>10000), K is also large (e.g., 20-50), while $m$ is small (2.g., 2-4).

    As a result, m^2 is not a big problem. n^2 is a big problem. K^2 is a big problem.

    Time complexity of gradient based methods are as follows, -1 Tier 1. GradAggSolver. -2 Tier 2. MGDASolver, EPOSolver, PMTLSolver. -3 Tier 3. GradHVSolver -4 Tier 4. MOOSVGDSolver

    Current support: GradAggSolver, MGDASolver, EPOSolver, MOOSVGDSolver, GradHVSolver, PMTLSolver.

    Important things to notice: The original code MOO-SVGD does not offer a MTL implement. Our code is the first open source code for MTL MOO-SVGD.

  • PSL solvers

    • EPO-based
    • Agg-based
    • Hypernetwork-based
    • ConditionalNet-based
    • Simple PSL model
    • Generative PSL model
  • MOEA/D Current supported:

  • ML pretrained methods.

How to install libmoon? libmoon is on the standard pypi (

    pip install libmoon==0.1.11

Example code for a synthetic problem,

from libmoon.solver.gradient import GradAggSolver
from libmoon.util_global.constant import problem_dict
from libmoon.util_global.weight_factor.funs import uniform_pref
import torch
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import argparse
from libmoon.visulization.view_res import vedio_res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='example')
    parser.add_argument('--n-partition', type=int, default=10)
    parser.add_argument('--agg', type=str, default='tche')  # If solve is agg, then choose a specific agg method.
    parser.add_argument('--solver', type=str, default='agg')
    parser.add_argument('--problem-name', type=str, default='VLMOP2')
    parser.add_argument('--iter', type=int, default=1000)
    parser.add_argument('--step-size', type=float, default=1e-2)
    parser.add_argument('--tol', type=float, default=1e-6)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Init the solver, problem and prefs. 
    solver = GradAggSolver(args.step_size, args.iter, args.tol)
    problem = problem_dict[args.problem_name]
    prefs = uniform_pref(args.n_partition, problem.n_obj, clip_eps=1e-2)
    args.n_prob = len(prefs)

    # Initialize the initial solution 
    if 'lbound' in dir(problem):
        if args.problem_name == 'VLMOP1':
            x0 = torch.rand(args.n_prob, problem.n_var) * 2 / np.sqrt(problem.n_var) - 1 / np.sqrt(problem.n_var)
            x0 = torch.rand(args.n_prob, problem.n_var)
        x0 = torch.rand( args.n_prob, problem.n_var )*20 - 10

    # Solve results
    res = solver.solve(problem, x=x0, prefs=prefs, args=args)
    # Visualize results
    y_arr = res['y']
    plt.scatter(y_arr[:,0], y_arr[:,1], s=50)
    plt.xlabel('$f_1$', fontsize=20)
    plt.ylabel('$f_2$', fontsize=20)
    # If use vedio
    if use_vedio:
        vedio_res(res, problem, prefs, args)     

Example of MTL