
Helper for live coding demos: terminal wrapper that will type commands for you, as you press a shortcut

live, demo, live demo, coding, live coding, code, live code
pip install liecoding==0.1



LieCoding is a helper tool for live coding demos. Rather than having to type commands from memory, or showing a video, LieCoding is an intermediate option that will use the original program but type the input for you when you press a button.

You simply have to install LieCoding and provide it with a simple file listing the commands you'll have to enter. Press a button, and LieCoding enters the next input.

Example session file

Session files are YAML files listing the inputs. A few other actions can be performed, like printing fake output, customizing the typing speed, and more to come.

# A session contains multiple shortcuts that are triggered through Ctrl-T
  # Shortcuts are ordered, starting at the first input and advancing through
  # the list each time 'Ctrl-T t' is used
  # Each input also has a name, which is used to quickly jump somewhere in the
  # list using 'Ctrl-T d <name><enter>'

  # A shortcut only needs the input to type for you
  # By default, slow=true which means that the input will be entered slowly, as
  # if typed on the keyboard
  - hello:
    - input: "echo \"Hello, world\""

  # Another command. Note that for it to be run directly, a \n has to be added
  - exit:
    - input: "exit\n"