MQTT client to report state of LifeSOS security system and devices.

pip install lifesospy-mqtt==0.10.6


LifeSOS MQTT Client

Documentation Status

This application provides an MQTT client that interfaces with LifeSOS alarm systems, sensors and switches. It will publish the state of all devices to an MQTT broker, which can then be consumed by any application that provides MQTT support, such as Home Assistant or OpenHAB. It will also subscribe to topics on the broker that allow the control of the alarm system (eg. arm, disarm) and turn on/off any attached switches.

It was written for & tested with the LS-30 model, though it should also work on the LS-10/LS-20 models. Note that in some markets, they may also be labelled under the name of the distributor; eg. SecurePro in Australia, WeBeHome in northern Europe.

For a quickstart and configuration help, please refer to the ReadTheDocs site.