
A way to scrape user datas from linkedin

linkedin, scraping, scraper
pip install linkedin-scrapper==1.0



A way to scrappe data in linkedin


pip install linkedin-scrapper


Person scraper

Company scraper (Coming soon)

How to use it?

It's very simple, what you need are just, your linkedin email account and your password. After, you have two choice to make a search, with an account link or with a full name and a keyword if possible. Like a lot of person can have the same name, a specific keyword to find them can be important.

Usage example

#import needed object
from linkedin_scrapper import Person, Account

myAccount = Account("", "your_password", "your_driver")
#login in linkedin account, return the driver with the current url
driver = myAccount.login()

person = Person(driver)
knowledges = person.get_knowledges_tools()


Availlable function for scraping users datas

Search :

Search by account link

This function alloow you to search a person by using her account link. search_by_account_link(). It taking like paramater the account link of the person you wanted to scrape.

Search by name and key word

This function allow you to search a person by using her name and a key word (like the name of the company where her work, school, ...) To be as precise as possible. search_by_name_and_key_word(), take the full name of the person and a key word. Note that the key word is optionally.But we recommend you to use a keyword to refine the search, we only take into account the first result of the search.


This function scrape all experiences they have.. get_experiences(), it return a list of dictionaries.


This function scrape all skills they have. get_skills(), return a list of skills.


This function scrape all of they training they have doing. get_training(), return a list of dictionaries.

Knowledge and tools

This function scrape all knowledge of sector and tools they know. get_knowledges_tools(), return a list of knowledges and/or tools.


This function scrape all availlable contact on they profil. get_contacts(), return a list of dictionaries.


Don't need to have any driver exe files. Just enter a driver name and it will be installed. Names of availlable drivers are :

  • chrome : For chromedriver
  • firefox : For geckodriver
  • ie : For internet explorer driver


Version 1.1

  • Restructuring data output

  • The edge driver is no longer available

Version 1.0

  • First Publish, only Person scraper