
A module to collect and display stats for long running processes

pip install logstats==0.1.1



A util to output stats out of long running processes. Super useful when you have daemons, or long running scripts, that need to output some data every now and then. It supports the multiprocessing modules, so you can collect stats from your child processes as well!

How to use it

You need two things to make it run:

  1. a Logstats instance;
  2. something to call regularly the Logstats instance.

By default the Logstats instance will output the values of the stats object using the logging module. Together with every numerical value, the module will output the number of "values per second" for each of them.


In this example, we create a new instance of Logstats using a helper function that will:

  1. create the object for us;
  2. put it in a thread and run it forever
import logging

import time

import logstats
from random import choice, uniform

ls = logstats.Logstats()

while True:
    ls[choice(['A', 'B', 'C'])] += 1
    time.sleep(uniform(0, 0.2))

The output looks like this:

logstats % python simple_watch.py
INFO:logstats.thread:A: 14, A.speed: 3, B: 19, B.speed: 4, C: 21, C.speed: 4
INFO:logstats.thread:A: 30, A.speed: 3, B: 38, B.speed: 4, C: 36, C.speed: 3
INFO:logstats.thread:A: 46, A.speed: 3, B: 53, B.speed: 3, C: 52, C.speed: 3
INFO:logstats.thread:A: 58, A.speed: 2, B: 69, B.speed: 3, C: 64, C.speed: 2
INFO:logstats.thread:A: 76, A.speed: 4, B: 83, B.speed: 3, C: 85, C.speed: 4
INFO:logstats.thread:A: 94, A.speed: 4, B: 98, B.speed: 3, C: 103, C.speed: 4

Customize the emit function

A Logstats object can have a custom emit function. This time, to be fancy, we can output a custom string over UDP and receive it using the command line util nc.

First, start nc to listen on localhost:5005:

$ nc -ul 5005

Then run this script:

from collections import Counter
from logstats import Logstats
import socket

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
def emit(msg):
    sock.sendto(msg, ('', 5005))

stats = Logstats(msg='This is a test. {value_a}, {value_b}', emit_func=emit)

stats['value_a'] += 10
stats['value_b'] += 2
stats['value_c'] += 100

# will calculate the value for stats and output using the emit function

Check the output of nc again, you should read this on your stdout:

This is a test. 10, 2

This time we didn't put the Logstats instance in an infinite loop in a thread. This is just to show you how to use the Logstats directly. If we want to output every second, we can use the logstats.thread.logstats util function. It supports all the parameters the Logstats class supports, plus a timeout parameter.

Collecting stats from child processes

A Logstats object has an handy method to spawn children instances: get_child. Use this method to create a child instance of a Logstats object. The child instance will communicate with the parent using multiprocessing.Queue. Remember to start the stats collection in all the children.

import logging

import time
import multiprocessing as mp
from random import choice, uniform

import logstats

def important_task(stats):

    while True:
        stats[choice(['A', 'B', 'C'])] += 1
        time.sleep(uniform(0, 0.2))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    stats = logstats.Logstats()

    for i in range(4):
        p = mp.Process(target=important_task, args=(stats.get_child(), ))