
Pythonic progress bar

pip install lubar==0.0.3


Basic usage:

import time

from lubar import ProgressBar

total = 100
bar = ProgressBar(total)
for i in bar(range(total)):

Keyword Arguments:

  • size: size of the progress bar (default to 37)

  • description: progress description (default to '')

  • file: file object to print progress bar to it (default to sys.stdout)

  • progressed_char: progress character (default to '#')

  • remained_char: remain character (default to '.')

  • enclosing_chars: characters to enclose progress bar between them (default to ('[', ']'))

  • join_char: character to join progress bar parts (default to ' ')

Note: All attributes can be updated at run time. I designed this progress bar to train deep learning models in PyTorch. I needed a progress bar to update it description in training loops to print model's losses values.

Special credit to eusoubrasileiro. I designed this progress based on his answer in Stack Overflow