Process live and historical data from, IRCELINE and OpenAQ. Filter by station-id, sensor-id and sensor-type, apply reverse geocoding, store into time-series and RDBMS databases, publish to MQTT, output as JSON, or visualize in Grafana.

luftdaten, info, irceline, openaq, air, quality, particulate, matter, pollution, feinstaub, ogc, sos, sensor, network, observation, opendata, data, acquisition, transformation, export, geospatial, temporal, timeseries, http, rest, json, api, rdbms, sql, mysql, mosquitto, mqtt, openstreetmap, nominatim, postgis, postgresql, influxdb, grafana, 52north, air-quality, air-quality-data, air-quality-measurements, air-quality-sensor, luftdaten-info, luftdaten-sensor, ogc-api, open-data, openaq-api, openaq-data, particulates-sensors, sensor-community, sensor-networks, sensorcommunity, time-series, timeseries-data
pip install luftdatenpumpe==0.21.1


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Process live and historical data from, irceline and OpenAQ. Filter by station-id, sensor-id and sensor-type, apply reverse geocoding, store into TSDB and RDBMS databases (InfluxDB and PostGIS), publish to MQTT or just output as JSON.


  1. Luftdatenpumpe acquires the measurement readings either from the livedata API of or from its archived CSV files published to To minimize impact on the upstream servers, all data gets reasonably cached.
  2. While iterating the readings, it optionally filters on station-id, sensor-id or sensor-type and restrains information processing to the corresponding stations and sensors.
  3. Then, each station's location information gets enhanced by
    • attaching its geospatial position as a Geohash.
    • attaching a synthetic real-world address resolved using the reverse geocoding service Nominatim by OpenStreetMap.
  4. Information about stations can be
    • displayed on STDOUT or STDERR in JSON format.
    • filtered and transformed interactively through jq, the swiss army knife of JSON manipulation.
    • stored into RDBMS databases like PostgreSQL using the fine dataset package. Being built on top of SQLAlchemy, this supports all major databases.
    • queried using advanced geospatial features when running PostGIS, please follow up reading the Luftdatenpumpe PostGIS tutorial.
  5. Measurement readings can be
    • displayed on STDOUT or STDERR in JSON format, which allows for piping into jq again.
    • forwarded to MQTT.
    • stored to InfluxDB and then
    • displayed in Grafana.


# List networks
luftdatenpumpe networks

# List LDI stations
luftdatenpumpe stations --network=ldi --station=49,1033 --reverse-geocode

# Store list of LDI stations and metadata into RDBMS database (PostgreSQL), also display on STDERR
luftdatenpumpe stations --network=ldi --station=49,1033 --reverse-geocode --target=postgresql://luftdatenpumpe@localhost/weatherbase

# Store LDI readings into InfluxDB
luftdatenpumpe readings --network=ldi --station=49,1033 --target=influxdb://luftdatenpumpe@localhost/luftdaten_info

# Forward LDI readings to MQTT
luftdatenpumpe readings --network=ldi --station=49,1033 --target=mqtt://

For a full overview about all program options including meaningful examples, you might just want to run luftdatenpumpe --help on your command line or visit luftdatenpumpe --help.


Luftdaten-Viewer displays stations and measurements from (LDI) in Grafana.

Map display and filtering

  • Filter by different synthesized address components and sensor type.
  • Display measurements from filtered stations on Grafana Worldmap Panel.
  • Display filtered list of stations with corresponding information in tabular form.
  • Measurement values are held against configured thresholds so points are colored appropriately.

Map popup labels

  • Humanized label computed from synthesized OpenStreetMap address.
  • Numeric station identifier.
  • Measurement value, unit and field name.


If you are running Python 3 already, installing the program should be as easy as:

pip install luftdatenpumpe

At this point, you should be able to conduct simple tests like luftdatenpumpe stations as seen in the synopsis section above. At least, you should verify the installation succeeded by running:

luftdatenpumpe --version

However, you might have to resolve some prerequisites so you want to follow the detailed installation instructions at install Luftdatenpumpe.



Using Luftdatenpumpe, you can build user-friendly interactive GIS systems on top of PostGIS, InfluxDB and Grafana. We are calling this "Luftdaten-Viewer".

Without further ado, you might enjoy reading about existing "Luftdaten-Viewer" installations at Testimonials for Luftdatenpumpe.


These installation instructions outline how to setup the whole system to build similar interactive data visualization compositions of map-, graph- and other panel-widgets like outlined in the "Testimonials" section.


This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPL license.

Content attributions

The copyright of particular images and pictograms are held by their respective owners, unless otherwise noted.

Icons and pictograms