
CLI tool for downloading albums from Luscious

luscious, album, downloader, bulk-download, cli, discontinued, download-photos, python
pip install luscious-downloader==4.9.0


Luscious Downloader

CLI tool for downloading albums from Luscious

Downloads PyPI License

🚀 Installation


If you have python and git installed.

git clone
cd luscious-downloader
python install


pip install luscious-downloader

If you want album to PDF conversion use:

pip install luscious-downloader[pdf]

Windows Only

If you don't have python or git installed.

  1. Download.
  2. Extract.
  3. Run run.bat.
  4. Wait install.
  5. Menu

🔨 Usage

NOTE: On windows you can press shift + right click to open terminal in selected folder.
NOTE²: The default download folder will be the path where you're executing the command.
NOTE³: You can enter multiple url and ids separated by commas.

Download albums:

lsd -a
lsd -a 275719,292887

Download all user's albums:

lsd -u
lsd -u 668124,274991

Download all user's favorites:

lsd -u -f
lsd -u 668124,274991 -f

Download search albums:

lsd -s yuri -d
lsd -s yuri -d --page 2 --max-page 5

Download top albums:

lsd -s yuri -d --sorting rating_all_time

Format output album folder name:

lsd -a 275719 --format [%i][%t]
#Output: [275719][Light Yuri]

Supported album folder formatter:

  • %i = Album ID
  • %t = Album name/title
  • %a = Album authors' name
  • %p = Album total pictures
  • %g = Album total gifs

CLI options:

    -h, --help              show help message
  # Download
                            download album by url or id
                            download all user albums by url or id
    -s KEYWORD,      --search KEYWORD
                            search albums by keyword
    -f, --favorites
                            download only the user's favorites
    -g, --group, --agroup
                            group albums by uploader name
    -l, --list
                            download albums from list.txt in the folder
  # Search Options
    --download, -d          download albums from search results
    --page PAGE             page number of search results
    --max-page MAX_PAGES    max pages of search results
    --sorting {date_trending,rating_all_time}
                            sorting of search albums

  # Generate Options
    --pdf, -p               Enable album PDF generation
    --cbz, -c               Enable album CBZ generation
    --rm-origin-dir         Delete album folder when generate pdf or cbz

  # Download Options
    --output DIRECTORY, -o DIRECTORY
                            output directory
    --threads THREADS, -t THREADS
                            how many download threads
    --retries RETRIES, -R RETRIES
                            download retries
    --timeout TIMEOUT, -T TIMEOUT
                            download timeout
    --delay DELAY, -D DELAY
                            delay between downloading multiple albums
    --format FORMAT
                            format output album folder name

📜 Menu

  1. Download albums by URL or ID.
  2. Download all user albums.
  3. Download all user favorites.
  4. Search albums by keyword.
  5. Download albums from list.txt.
  6. Settings.
  7. Exit.

⚙️ Settings

  1. Change Directory (Change albums download directory. Default = "./Albums/")
  2. CPU Pool (Default = Your CPU Count)
  3. Picture Retries (download attempts for each picture. Default = 5)
  4. Picture Timeout (download timeout for each picture. Default = 30)
  5. Download Delay (delay between downloading multiple albums. Default = 0)
  6. Format output album folder name (Default = [%i]%t)
  7. Generate PDF (Default = False)
  8. Generate CBZ (Default = False)
  9. Remove origin directory (Default = False)
  10. Group albums by upload name (Default = False)
  11. Back.

📝 License