
AI Observability & Evaluation - Evaluate, troubleshoot, and test your LLM models online and offline.

pip install lynxius-webapp==0.0.0


Lynxius Python API Library

PyPI version

Lynxius speeds up LLM evaluation and prevents errors before they reach users.

Lynxius Platform offers advanced AI observability features, security, scalability, integrations with existing ecosystems and easy collaboration across teams.

The Lynxius Python library provides convenient access to the Lynxius REST API. The library includes type definitions for all request params and response fields, and offers synchronous clients powered by httpx.


Start your LLM evaluation journey by consulting our official documentation at

Lynxius Platform in 3 Minutes

Watch our 3-minute demo video to understand the key concepts of LLM evaluation.

Video Thumbnail


Explore our tutorials:

  1. Lynxius Quickstart Evaluation
  2. Lynxius to evaluate LLM Summarization and Custom Metrics
  3. Lynxius to evaluate LLM chatbot applications
  4. Lynxius to boost collaboration with Subject Matter Experts
  5. Run evaluations locally with your own model API key
  6. Run evaluations remotely Lynxius fully managed service

Create Development Environments

For local development, start by installing python 3.12.1, creating a virtual environment and installing the dependencies:

python3.12 -m venv .lynxius-python
source .lynxius-python/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Contributing Guidelines

Would love to contribute? Please follows our contribution guidelines.