
scripts written to interact with mongodb cloud api

pip install macapi==1.0.4



Python 27

What is macapi? macapi is a tool used to easily access MongoDB Atlas by leverating its resful api. It's primarily used to easilty adminsiter Atlas clusters and groups.



$ pip install macapi

The toolkit constists of the following tools:


Used to get and create alert configuration for a single group.

$ alerts -h

usage: alerts [-h] [-G] [-U] [-C] [-D] [-f FILE] -g GROUP_ID -u API_USER -k

optional arguments:
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -G, --get             get a group alert and monitoring configuration
 -U, --update          update current alerts configuration
 -C, --create          replace current alerts confifuration
 -D, --delete          delte a single alert
 -f FILE, --file FILE  write file to current directory unless absolute path
                       is provided
 -g GROUP_ID, --group_id GROUP_ID
 -u API_USER, --api_user API_USER
 -k API_KEY, --api_key API_KEY


Used to create and modify cluster configurations for a given group.

  $ cluster -h

  usage: cluster [-h] [-G] [-C] [-f FILE] -n NAME -g GROUP_ID -u API_USER -k
             API_KEY [-D] [--resize] [--size SIZE] [--nodes NODES]
             [--shards SHARDS]

  optional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-G, --get             get's the currnet group cluster configuration
-C, --create          creates a new cluster
-f FILE, --file FILE  write file to current directy or path
-n NAME, --name NAME  the name of the cluster
-g GROUP_ID, --group_id GROUP_ID
                      id of the group that you are trying to make the
                      changes for
-u API_USER, --api_user API_USER
                      the email address you use to login
-k API_KEY, --api_key API_KEY
                      Your Atlas api key
-D, --delete          deletes a cluster from a project
--resize              resizes an instace
--size SIZE           size of an instance in ['M10',...,'M60']
--nodes NODES         number of nodes per shard or replicaSet
--shards SHARDS       number of replicaSets to deploy


Used to create, delete, update and getip whitelist information for a single group in Atlas.

$ ipwhitelist -h
   usage: ipwhitelist [-h] [-G] [-C] [-D] [-f FILE] -g GROUP_ID -u API_USER -k

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -G, --get             get's the currnet group IP Whitelist
  -C, --create          replace current alerts confifuration

  -D, --delete          delte a single alert
  -f FILE, --file FILE  write file to current directory unless absolute path
                        is provided
  -g GROUP_ID, --group_id GROUP_ID
                        id of the group that you are trying to make the
                        changes for
  -u API_USER, --api_user API_USER
                        the email address you use to login
  -k API_KEY, --api_key API_KEY
                        Your Atlas api key