
A simple but extensible window manager for macOS

pip install macpywm==1.1



macpywm - A simple but extensible window manager for macOS.



macpywm command [args...]


This manual page documents macpywm, a simple but extensible macOS window manager written in Python. macpywm is a Python version of xpywm (, an X11 window manager written in Python.

macpywm is built on top of the Yabai (, tiling window management for the Mac. Specifially, all window management on macOSes are handled with Yabai. macpywm only provides xpywm-compatible functions such as the programmed window layout, the tiled window layout, and several xpywm-compatible functions.

macpywm supports two types of window placement algorithms: programmed mode and tiled mode.

In the programmed mode, you can specify rules for inferring appropriate window geometries. By default, Emacs is placed at the top-left corner of the screen with 50% window width and 100% window height. Web browsers (e.g., Safari) and office applications are placed next to the Emacs with 50% window width and 100% window height. The terminal window is placed at the bottom-right corner with 50% window width and 70% window height. If there exist more than two terminal windows, the size of each terminal window is shrunk to 1/4 of the screen, and placed in a non-overlapping way.

In the titled mode, all windows are placed in a titled fashion so that any window will have the same window width and height, and that any window will not overlap with others, as like tile-based window managers. Moreover, macpywm tries to allocate larger area for Emacs; i.e., if there are three windows, say, Emacs and two terminals, Emacs will occupy the half of the screen, and each terminal will have the quarter of the screen.







  1. Save two configuration files (.yabairc and .skhdrc) in your home directory.
  1. Install yabai ( and skhd (
$ brew install koekeishiya/formulae/yabai
$ brew services start yabai
$ brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd
$ brew services start skhd

See yabai wiki ( for the installation details.

Note that yabai and skhd configuration files (.yabairc and .skhdrc) must not be overwritten.

  1. Install macpywm from PyPI (
$ pip3 install macpywm


Since Python is one of interpreters, you can easily customize the behavior of macpywm by directly modifying its variables, functions, and methods. For instance, if you want to customize the rules for the programmed window placement, simply edit the definition of the variable LAYOUT_RULES.


  • Ctrl + Mod1 + i

    Focus the next window. Available windows are circulated in the order of top-left, bottom-left, top-right, and bottom-right.

  • Ctrl + Mod1 + '

    Toggle the maximization of the current active window.

  • Ctrl + Mod1 + ;

    Toggle the vertical maximization of the current active window.

  • Ctrl + Mod1 + ,

    Layout all available windows in the programmed mode.

  • Ctrl + Mod1 + .

    Layout all available windows in the tiled mode.

  • Ctrl + Mod1 + z

    Destroy the current active window.

  • Ctrl + Mod1 + y

    Hide the current active window.

  • Ctrl + Mod1 + 1

    Run a command "open -n -a /System/Applications/Utilities/".

  • Ctrl + Mod1 + 2

    Run a command "open -a emacs --args -rv"

  • Ctrl + Mod1 + 3

    Run a command "open -a /Applications/"


The latest version of macpywm is available at PyPI ( .


Hiroyuki Ohsaki <ohsaki[atmark]>