
pipeline for the analysis of joint MAGIC+LST-1 data

pip install magic-cta-pipe==0.3.1



Repository for the analysis of MAGIC and MAGIC+LST1 data, based on ctapipe.

v0.4.1 of magic-cta-pipe provides all the functionalities to perform a MAGIC+LST-1 or a MAGIC-only analysis. Both types of analyses can be performed using the scripts within the lst1_magic folder. See here for more details on how to run the analysis.

v0.4.1 is based on ctapipe v0.19.x and cta-lstchain v0.10.x.


v0.3.1 of magic-cta-pipe was the last release before the cleanup of old files. Also, it was the last one supporting ctapipe v0.12. In order to exploit fully the new functionalities provided by ctapipe, use always the latest stable release of magic-cta-pipe (currently v0.4.1). v0.4.1 contains backward incompatible changes with respect to v0.3.1. Therefore, you cannot mix analyses performed with the two releases.

Installation for users

magic-cta-pipe and its dependencies may be installed using the Anaconda or Miniconda package system. We recommend creating a conda virtual environment first, to isolate the installed version and dependencies from your master environment (this is optional).

The following command will set up a conda virtual environment, add the necessary package channels, and install magic-cta-pipe and its dependencies:

git clone
cd magic-cta-pipe
conda env create -n magic-lst1 -f environment.yml
conda activate magic-lst1
pip install .

In general, magic-cta-pipe is still in heavy development phase, so expect large changes between different releases.

Instructions for developers

Developers should follow the development install instructions found in the documentation.