
MultiGas package for internal use. A collaboration between CVGHM and USGS

gas, volcano, multigas, usgs, cvghm, pvmbg
pip install magma-multigas==1.0.0



Python package for multigas sensor.


Make sure you have at least Python 3.10 installed. You can install the package using pip

pip install magma-multigas

How to use

Import the package first:

from magma_multigas import MultiGas

Then lets add all the required files. Please change the files location with your multi gas data. At the moment we are excluding the span data files. Will add later in future development.

two_seconds = 'D:\\Projects\\magma-multigas\\input\\TANG_RTU_ChemData_Sec2.dat'
six_hours = 'D:\\Projects\\magma-multigas\\input\\TANG_RTU_Data_6Hr.dat'
one_minute = 'D:\\Projects\\magma-multigas\\input\\TANG_RTU_Wx_Min1.dat'
zero = 'D:\\Projects\\magma-multigas\\input\\TANG_RTU_Zero_Data.dat'

Initiate MultiGas module with the code below. This code will correct "NAN" data, and create a new file into your current poject directory. The default location is <your project directory>/output/normalize .

multigas = MultiGas(

By initiating the module, we can check the output after run the code.

💾 New file saved to D:\Projects\magma-multigas\output\normalize\TANG_RTU_ChemData_Sec2.dat
💾 New file saved to D:\Projects\magma-multigas\output\normalize\TANG_RTU_Data_6Hr.dat
💾 New file saved to D:\Projects\magma-multigas\output\normalize\TANG_RTU_Wx_Min1.dat
💾 New file saved to D:\Projects\magma-multigas\output\normalize\TANG_RTU_Zero_Data.dat

Slicing and export for specific time

We can filter the data we have by using the code below. At this example we will select data between start_date = 2024-05-17 and end_date = 2024-06-18.

data_filtered = multigas.where_date_between(start_date='2024-05-17', end_date='2024-06-18').save(file_type='excel')

We can also save the filtering results. Only excel,xls,xlsx and csv are supported.'excel')

All files would be saved into <your project directory>/output/<file_type>. You can also check the save location after run the save() command.

✅ Data saved to: D:\Projects\magma-multigas\output\excel\two_seconds_2024-05-17_2024-06-18_TANG_RTU_ChemData_Sec2.xlsx
✅ Data saved to: D:\Projects\magma-multigas\output\excel\six_hours_2024-05-17_2024-06-18_TANG_RTU_Data_6Hr.xlsx
✅ Data saved to: D:\Projects\magma-multigas\output\excel\one_minute_2024-05-17_2024-06-18_TANG_RTU_Wx_Min1.xlsx
✅ Data saved to: D:\Projects\magma-multigas\output\excel\zero_2024-05-17_2024-06-18_TANG_RTU_Zero_Data.xlsx

Selecting Data

For now, this package only support 4 type of data.

  1. two_seconds
  2. six_hours
  3. one_minute
  4. zero

To working on specific dataset, we can do it like this. To choose two_seconds data:

two_seconds_data = multigas.two_seconds


two_seconds_data ='two_seconds').get()

Both method will result the same. You can change the two_seconds parameter with the available type of data.

Data Preview

After selecting, we can do a quick review by calling df parameter:


For anyone not familiar with df abbreviation, it's stand for dataframe. Just imagine it as an excel with header, but it is in python.


You can also see the columns name:


It will show all the columns name: columns.png


We can do fluent filtering data by using this code below. And it also supports chaining filtering.

filtered_two_seconds = (two_seconds_data
                        .where_date_between(start_date='2024-06-12', end_date='2024-06-18')
                        .where('Status_Flag', '==', 0)
                        .where_values_between(column_name='SO2', start_value=-0.129, end_value=-0.127)
                        .where_values_between(column_name='H2O', start_value=-260, end_value=-228)

We can read the above code as is:

By using two_seconds_data, let's select specific columns, such as: H2O, CO2, SO2, S_Total where the Status_Flag should have a 0 value. And the SO2 columns must be between -0.129 and -0.127. In addition H2O values would be filtered between -260 and -228.

To see the results, please run the get() method:


You can see the example of the results below. Here we only found 1 result based on our query filtering. filtering.png

To check and count the results:


Save Filtering Results

We can save it, using save_as() method. You can change the file_type parameter between excel,xls,xlsx, or csv.


You will get the information where your file is saved. By default, it should be in your output\<file_type> directory. Here is the example of the output:

✅ Data saved to: D:\Projects\magma-multigas\output\excel\two_seconds_2024-06-16_2024-06-16_TANG_RTU_ChemData_Sec2.xlsx


This package provide some basic functionality to plot some data. For the simplicity, we will use six_hours data as an example. We will do all the basic things above, from extracting, selecting, and filtering.

Selecting Six Hours

six_hours_data ='six_hours').get()

Date Filtering

filtered_six_hours = six_hours_data.where_date_between(start_date='2024-05-17', end_date='2024-06-18')

Plot Initiating

Using plot() method to initiate

plot_six_hours = filtered_six_hours.plot()

Plot Avg. CO2, H2S, and SO2

This package has some default plotting method. We will use plot_co2_so2_h2s() as an example:


You can see the result here: plot_example_1.png

From the plot above we can see there ae some anomaly values (below 400 for Av. CO2 Lowpass). We can re-filter it once again to optimize the result. In this case we will select column Avg_CO2_lowpass which value greater than or equal to 250

filtered_six_hours = filtered_six_hours.where('Avg_CO2_lowpass', '>=', 250)

Then plot it:


Result: plot_example_2.png

We can also plot as an individual by adding parameter plot_as_individual=True


And the result: plot_example_3.png

Plot Specific Column(s)

Select columns to plot:

columns_to_plot = ['Avg_Wind_Speed', 'Avg_Wind_Direction', 'Avg_H2O', 'Avg_CO2_lowpass']

Then plot it:


Results: plot_example_4.png