
Dump emails to a file. It can be used as a remplacement for sendmail or an SMTP server.

mail, Python
pip install mailsave==0.8.1


Mail Save

Save emails to a file. It can be used as a replacement for sendmail or a SMTP server.

You can install it with pip install mailsave or pip install --user mailsave

You can also use the single file version. Since mailsave only needs the standard library, you don't have anything to install.

It is different from other tools like maildump because:

  • It is very minimalist: no Web or GUI interface, just files.
  • It can be used instead of sendmail.

To use in place of sendmail, just put the path to the mailsave executable instead of the sendmail one. For instance, in a php.ini file:

sendmail_path = /home/jenselme/.virtualenvs/test/bin/mailsave --dir mails

To use as an SMTP server, launch it like this:

mailsave --server --dir mails

Then you can send it emails with the SMTP protocol:

swaks --to --server localhost --port 2525 --add-header "X-Custom-Header: Swaks-Tested"

To view the full help, use:

mailsave --help

Written for Python 3.5+.