
Package for Python that evaluates math expressions from strings

pip install mathex==0.2.0


Mathematical Expressions for Python

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What is Mathex?

Mathematical Expressions (or Mathex for short) is a package for Python that evaluates mathematical expressions from strings at runtime according to Mathex Specification. It aims to provide fast, easy, customizable and, most importantly, safe evaluation with no dependencies.

The package is compatible with Python 3.7+.

How to use?

Using Mathex is super easy - just import, initialize and evaluate. That's it.

from mathex import Mathex, default_flags

# Use `Config` class and `DefaultFlags` to get default settings.
# For what settings are available, check out documentation.
config = Mathex(default_flags)

# Config class contains your settings along with custom
# variables and functions you inserted.
x = 1.5
config.add_constant("x", x)

# These variables and functions are then available for users
# to use in expressions.
input = "2x + 5"

# Mathex returns error and result of evaluation as a tuple.
result, error = config.evaluate(input)

# If error is None, evaluation completed without errors
if not error:
    print(f"{input} is {result}")  # Outputs `2x + 5 is 8`

Don't forget to install Mathex using pip:

python -m pip install mathex