
Python wrapper for matlib

pip install matlib==0.1.0



Python wrappers for `matlib` C library.

# Installation

The package requires that a `matlib` library and header files are installed
somewhere in the system so that during installation it could compile and link
against it.

If `matlib` is installed in a standard path which is looked up by C compiler
(`/usr/include` and `/user/lib` respectively on UNIX systems, for example), it
should suffice to do:

    pip install matlib

Otherwise, compiler options must be passed as environment variables so that the
wrapper builds and links properly, GCC/CLang example:

    # Fish
    env CFLAGS=-I/opt/matlib/include LDFLAGS=-L/opt/matlib/lib pip install matlib

    # Bash
    CFLAGS=-I/opt/matlib/include LDFLAGS=-L/opt/matlib/lib pip install matlib