Fitting of various pre-defined models to creep data.

pip install mcreep==1.1.1



MCREEP package fits various pre-defined models to creep data.

The package can process both tensile and indentation creep measuremenents
in such a way that the results from the two methods are comparable.

  • The creep data:
    • A text file with two columns.
    • The 1st column = time, the 2nd column = deformation.
    • Deformation = strain (for tensile) or penetration depth (for indentation).
  • The pre-defined models within the pagkage are:
    • Simple empirical models = Power law, Nutting's law.
    • Phenomenological models = elasto-visco-plastic models = EVP models.
  • The theory and models are described in the open-acces publication:

Quick start

  1. Install MCREEP: pip install mcreep
  2. Download the demo package, unzip it, and follow the instructions in readme file.
  3. Basically, you just run the unzipped PY-script and see the results.
    • The PY-script should run anywhere, but the recommended environment is Spyder.
    • The output (in Spyder) should look like in this PrintScreen.

Installation, documentation and examples

Versions of MCREEP

  • Version 1.0 = finalized, working for both tensile and indentation creep
  • Version 1.1 = a few important improvements, better documentation