The Merge testbed Python client library and CLI

pip install mergetb==0.1.17


MergeTB Python Client

This repo contains a python wrapper around the MergeTB OpenAPI.

Python3 client library for merge

This can be used for building Python based tools that interact with Merge, or for talking to Merge through Python in a Jupyter notebook. There are some special routines that are Jupyter aware that make working a Jupyter environment nicer.

The library is named mergetb and is pip installable via pip3 install mergetb. It is for the most part a simple wrapper around the MergeTB Open API spec, which is found here:

Here is an example of using the library in a python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import mergetb
import json
from os import environ

uid, pid = environ.get('MERGEUSER'), environ.get('MERGEPWD')

if not uid or not pid:
    print('Set MERGEUSER and MERGEPWD before running.')

if not mergetb.login(uid, pid):
    print('Error logging in.')

projects = mergetb.list_projects()
print(f'My projects are {projects}')

pid = uid

exps = mergetb.list_experiments(pid)
print(f'My personal experiments are {exps}')

expinfo = mergetb.experiment_info(pid, exps[0])
print(f'Info about the {exps[0]} experiment is {expinfo}')

# This assumes realizations exists.
# (and it is glawler is logged in)
hione = mergetb.get_realization('glawler', 'hi', 'one')

# Grab addresses from the experiment model
model = mergetb.pull_experiment('glawler', 'hi', hione['xhash'])
xir = json.loads(model['xir'])

# walk the chain of json XIR to find addresses if they exist.
for node in xir['nodes']:
    if 'endpoints' in node:
        for ep in node['endpoints']:
            if 'props' in ep:
                if 'ip' in ep['props']:
                    if 'addrs' in ep['props']['ip']:
                        name = node['id']
                        addrs = ep['props']['ip']['addrs']
                        print(f'node {name} has addresses {addrs}')

CLI application

NOTE: This package includes a command line utility at mergetb/ written using the library in ./mergetb. It should now only be used as a reference. The official command line client for Merge TB is now written in Go and is here:

To use, you need to first login to the authentication server and get a client token. This token will be stashed in a local file and referenced in subseqeuent calls to the API.