
Anzapfen von Messgeräten und senden der Werte an einen Server

pip install messgeraet-anzapfen==0.5.2


Quick reference of messgeraet_anzapfen

The command :program:`anzapfen` is used to collect a sensor value and post it to the logserver.

Sensors can be loaded as plugins.


The program is designed to run primarily on a Raspberry Pi with raspbian jesse.

It is assumed that you use the standard user pi and your current directory is the home of this user.

Required packages

You need to install the following linux packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-rpi.gpio python3-virtualenv

Create the virtual environment

To create a virtual environment for the program, the following command must be used:

virtualenv -p python3 --system-site-packages venv

The virtualenv :file:`venv` was populated in the current directory. Now you have to activate it:

source ~pi/venv/bin/activate

Your prompt should now be prepended by (venv).

Install the program :program:`anzapfen`

The program is available vi PyPi and is called messgerat-anzapfen:

pip install messgeraet-anzapfen

Usage of :program:`anzapfen`

To use the program you first have to activate the virtual environment:

source ~pi/venv/bin/activate

Further more you need a config file to tell the program which sensor should be queried and where the logserver is. Fortunately there are some helpful command line arguments for :program:`anzapfen` which come in handy.

Check the installed plugins

The :option:`--print-known-sensors` of the program :program:`anzapfen`. This option displays all installed sensors with a short description. If the sensor, you want to use is not listed here then install it (instructions are included with the sensor plugin).

Create a config file

The next option is the :option:`--print-config-file`. Use this option to create a new config file by redirecting the output to a file:

anzapfen --print-config-file > configfile.ini


The name of the config file can be any valid filename for linux. It is recomended to use the suffix .ini and don't use spaces and umlauts in the name.

The config file

In the Default section you can choose which sensor will be use by setting sensor_type to the name of the sensor (identical to the section caption of the sensor). The default value is the dummy sensor Constant that always send the entry of its variable value to the logserver.

The sensor_id is the key in the database of logserver where the measured value is stored with a timestamp. The name can include the letters a-z, A-Z, the numbers 0-9 and the underscore. Further more it should not exceed 255 characters.


Best practise for a sensor name is the combination of the name of the sensor plugin and the location of the measurement.

In the Server section you can set the url of the logserver. The variables endpoint and sensor_id should remain untouched!

The settings for the sensor will be described within the plugin repository of the sensor.