
GUI to read and view conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) files and to manage and creating metadata by defining stations, transects, campaigns

pip install metaCTD==0.4.3


Python toolbox to read, process and plot several different conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) formats including Seabird and Sea & Sun Technology files. The main task is to search valid data in a certain folder and to define metadata as stations, transects, campaigns.

The backbone of the metaCTD toolbox are tools to read and process different CTD fie formats from different vendors. This includes tools to for Seabird cnv files and Sea & Sun Technology (SST) microstructure profilers (MSS).

1   Install

The package was developed using python 3.5+, it might work with earlier versions, but its not supported. The newest Gibb Sea Water Toolbox (gsw) depends also on python 3.5+, pycnv heavily depends on the gsw toolbox. It therefore strongly recommended to use python 3.5+.

1.1   User

Install as a user

python install --user

Uninstall as a user

pip uninstall metaCTD

2   Seabird

The cnv text files are the standard output files of the Seabird CTD software. The files are processed with the "pycnv" package.

3   Sea & Sun Technology (SST)

The mrd binary files are the standard output files of the MSS-Profiler software. The files are processed with the "pysst" tools.