A Python module to obtain and read Dutch weather data from Meteoserver.nl

weather, sun, data, forecast, api
pip install meteoserver==0.0.12



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A Python module to obtain and read Dutch weather data from Meteoserver.nl. The code is being developed by Marc van der Sluys of the department of Astrophysics at the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands and the department of Sustainable energy of the HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The Meteoserver package can be used under the conditions of the GPLv3 licence.


This package can be installed using pip install meteoserver. This should automatically install the dependency packages pandas and requests, if they haven't been installed already. If you are installing by hand, ensure that these packages are installed as well.

You will need to obtain a (free) account and API key at Meteoserver.nl to download data from the Meteoserver API.

Example use

"""Example Python script using the Meteoserver module."""

import meteoserver as meteo

myKey = 'a123456789'    # My Meteoserver API key - put your OWN key here!
myLocation = 'De Bilt'  # My location

# Weather forecast #################################################################################

# Print some help:

location = 'Unknown'  # Ensure we always have a location 'name' to write to file.

# Read weather-forecast data from file:
# data = meteo.read_json_file_weatherforecast('WeatherForecast1.json', full=True)  # Option 1: HARMONIE/HiRLAM (48 (42?) hours)
# data = meteo.read_json_file_weatherforecast('WeatherForecast2.json')  # Option 2: GFS (4/10 days), useful columns only, no location
# Option 2, with ALL columns and location; don't convert to numerical format, to allow writing to file later:
# data, location = meteo.read_json_file_weatherforecast('WeatherForecast2.json', full=True, loc=True, numeric=False)

# Get weather-forecast data from server:
# data = meteo.read_json_url_weatherforecast(myKey, myLocation, model='HARMONIE')  # Option 1: HARMONIE/HiRLAM
# data = meteo.read_json_url_weatherforecast(myKey, myLocation)  # Option 2 (default): GFS, useful columns only, no location
# Option 2, with ALL columns and location; don't convert to numerical format, to allow writing to file later:
data, location = meteo.read_json_url_weatherforecast(myKey, myLocation, full=True, loc=True, numeric=False)

# Print the data:

# Write the downloaded data to a json file:
meteo.write_json_file_weatherforecast('WeatherForecast3.json', location, data)

# Sun forecast #####################################################################################

# Print some help:

# Read a Meteoserver Sun-data JSON file from disc:
# current, forecast = meteo.read_json_file_sunData('SunData.json')
# Return the location; don't convert to numerical format, to allow writing to file later:
# current, forecast, location = meteo.read_json_file_sunData('SunData.json', loc=True, numeric=False)

# Get Meteoserver Sun data from the server for the given location (and key):
# current, forecast = meteo.read_json_url_sunData(myKey, myLocation)
# Return the location; don't convert to numerical format, to allow writing to file later:
current, forecast, location = meteo.read_json_url_sunData(myKey, myLocation, loc=True, numeric=False)

# Print the current-weather and forecast dataframes:
print("\nCurrent Sun/weather observation from a nearby station:")

print("\nSun/weather forecast for the selected location/region:")

# Write the downloaded data to a json file:
meteo.write_json_file_sunData('SunData1.json', location, current, forecast)

Meteoserver pages

  • Pypi: Meteoserver Python package
  • GitHub: Meteoserver source code
  • ReadTheDocs: Meteoserver documentation

Author and licence


  • Data, API key and API documentation can be obtained from Meteoserver.nl