Analyzer and simulator of logic circuit

circuit, eda, verification, logic, gate
pip install minickt==0.8.3





You have to install Python2 (python2.7.6 is the version in development).

You should install following python packages:

SAT solver

Some commands of minickt is based on external SAT solver, and lingeling is default.
You can get it from lingeling and compiled to fit your os version.
(The one in directory bin is possible not fit your OS.)

Other SAT solvers are also avalible, just put the excution file to directory bin.

Here are some suggested solvers:

How to get minickt

Just download from github tarball:

User also can install minickt from pip:

$ pip install minickt

If there is new version, use upgrade:

$ pip install minickt --upgrade

Here is the pypi page of minickt:

Note that if you install minickt from pip, you will not get the scripts and benches here.

Run minickt

If you do not install the packages and script, just cd to the top directory:

$ ./minic

If you have already installed it, you should do configuring first:

$ minic configure

you will find that a directory named minickt including 3 sub-directories with nothing: bin, bench and script.

  • Remember to put your lingeling solver to dir bin.
  • The needed benchmarks and scripts can be downloaded here.

Then you just excute it anywhere:

$ minic

and you can run any avalible command by entering it after the prompt [ miniCkt ] >>:

[ miniCkt ] >> exit

Command exit will terminate minickt.

List commands and get help

Use "?" to list all avalible commands in minickt.

[ miniCkt ] >> ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
cc       encode        help       ls_writer  sat         shell     
chname   eval          loadsc     read       sat_reason  show      
cmd      exit          ls         reason     sec         show_ckt  
collect  gen_cone_ckt  ls_ckt     reset      set         show_ratio
cone     get           ls_parser  rm         sg          write

or use "cmd" to get the short description of all commands

[ miniCkt ] >> cmd

If you want to know the details of a specified cmd, use help<cmd> or ?<cmd>:

[ miniCkt ] >> ?shell
[ miniCkt ] >> help shell

Circuit I/O

Let me introduce you the commands of circuit IO.

Read a logic circuit

Command read can read a logic circuit with specified parser.

[ miniCkt ] >> read mycircuit.v by primitive
read mycircuit.v ...
success: circuit "top(mycircuit.v) is in circuit manager now

Commmand ls -p or ls_parser can list all avalible parsers.
You can write parser by yourself to fit the circuit format.


The default name of a circuit is top(CIRCUIT_FILE_NAME).
You can use chname to rename it.

[ minickt ] >> chname ckt1

Now we can use cmd ls -c or ls_ckt to list all circuits in circuit manager of minickt.

[ miniCkt ] >> ls -c
there are 1 circuits now
[0] ckt1 <--- current

It means that minickt can hold several circuits not just single one!
I will talk about this later.

Write out a circuit

use write to write out the circuit.

[ miniCkt ] >> write ckt1.v by primitive

The format of write is similar to read.
Commmand ls -w or ls_writer can list all avalible writers.
You can write your own writer, too.

Circuit Analysis

Here are some methods of doing analyzing

Get circuit information

Command get can get the specified property of circuit.

[ miniCkt ] >> get gate_num

try ?get to know the properies that can be acquired by get.

Show graph

show_ckt or show -c will show a circuit graph by taking each logic gate as a node.
show_ratio or show -r will show a pie chart of gates ratio.

Circuit Simulation

This part will introduct the method to set the gate values and doing simulation.

List gates and their information

sg can list a gate or a gate set in current circuit.
For example, if you want to see all of the gates in circuit:

[ miniCkt ] >> sg all
AND:n28 OR:n1017 OR:n230 XOR:n1101 

Note that the gate format is "GATE_TYPE:GATE_NAME".
If the gate is PO gate, the GATE_TYPE will be composed with PO and its type, like "PO-XOR".

Or you want to see the PI gate:

[ miniCkt ] >> sg pi

Or you just want to see the PO gate named po_0:

[ miniCkt] >> sg po_0

Even you can mix them:

[ miniCkt ] >> sg pi, po_0

We could add some additional options to see more information.

[ miniCkt ] >> sg pi -ivo

-i will list the fanins of each gate.
-o will list the fanouts of each gate.
-v will list the values of each gates.

Set gate value

You can assign value to a "gate" or a "gate set".
For example, we want to assign one(True) to all PI gates:

[ miniCkt ] >> set pi 1

If you want to reset all gates(it means you want to let all gates value be unknown):

[ miniCkt ] >> reset


After setting the gate values of circuit, we can do simulation with cmd eval which means evaluate:

[ miniCkt ] >> eval

We commonly use sg -v to check the evalation results.

Circuit Reasoning

minickt also supports circuit reasoning.
There are two ways to do that: cmd reason and sat_reason.

After doing assignments to some gates , we can use reason to deduce other gates' values:

[ miniCkt ] >> reset
[ miniCkt ] >> set po 1
[ miniCkt ] >> reason

If some conflict occur, reasoning will fail.
Note that this command just deduces the values which can be implied directly, it does not do any guess.

If you want to do a complete reasoning, use sat_reason:

[ miniCkt ] >> sat_reason po_0 1

User should be ware of the differences between read and sat_reason.
sat_reason does not depend on the current assignments, it depends on gates and their values specified with command.

Also, this command use an external SAT solver which is located in directory bin with name lingeling.
You should check the name and the version fo SAT solver are avalible, otherwise it will result in fail.

Circuit Manager

You could add several circuits to minickt because it can hold multiple circuits.(I think it's really cool!)

Circuit switching

Assume we have two circuits in circuit manager(the current arrow points the "current circuit"):

[ miniCkt ] >> ls -c
there are 2 circuits now
[0] ckt1 <--- current
[1] ckt2

Current circuit is the circuit which can be controled directly by commands.

User can use cc to switch to the circuit we want to control and do something.

[ miniCkt ] >> cc 1
[ miniCkt ] >> ls -c
there are 2 circuits now
[0] ckt1
[1] ckt2 <--- current

Remove circuit

rm can remove the current circuit(if no option) or remove the i-th circuit.

[ miniCkt ] >> rm
[ miniCkt ] >> rm 0

Get cone circuit

You can specify a gate to get its cone circuit.

[ miniCkt ] >> cone po_0

It generates a new circuit with default name "coneckt"(it can be specified).

But sometimes we want an independent cone circuit(the specified gate should be taken as a PO gate), we can do by:

[ miniCkt ] >> cone po_0
[ miniCkt ] >> write ckt1.v by primitive
[ miniCkt ] >> rm
[ miniCkt ] >> read ckt1.v by primitive

or use a combinational command gen_cone_ckt which is equal to the commands above.

[ miniCkt ] >> gen_cone_ckt po_0

Equivalence checking

Structural equivalence checking

There are two ways to check the equivalence of two single-outpu circuits.
Command sec helps us doing these.

SEC for two circuits

If you want to do SEC for two circuits in circuit manager of minickt, you have to use CKT_ID to specify circuits:

[ miniCkt ] ls -c
there are 1 circuits now
[0] ckt1 <--- current
[1] ckt2
[ miniCkt ] sg po
[ miniCkt ] >> sec 0.out 1.out

It will compare ckt1's cone(its root is gate "out") and ckt2's cone(its root is gate "out").

SEC for cones of current circuit

If you want to do SEC for two cones of urrent circuit, just give the names of cone roots:

[ minickt ] >> sec gate1 gate2

Functional equivalence checking

We use miter to do FEC in minickt and now just supports "single output ckt".

So make sure two things:

  1. The specified ckts should be single output ckt.
  2. Their inputs can be mapped.(It means the corresponding inputs should have same name.)

You can use fec to check functional equivalence of two circuits in circuit manager:

[ miniCkt ] >> ls -c
there are 2 circuits now
[0] ckt1 <--- current
[1] ckt2
[ miniCkt ] >> fec 0 1

Above operation will check the functional equivalence of ckt1 and ckt2.

We use SAT solver(default by lingeling solver and TST encoding) to get the satisfiability of miter.
If the result is SAT: it means they are not FEC.
If the result is UNSAT: it means they are FEC.

Also, the miter of them will be created:

[ miniCkt ] >> ls -c
there are 3 circuits now
[0] c1
[1] c2
[2] miter <--- current

Circuit SAT

To know the circuit satisfiability, minickt supports circuit encoding and circuit sat solving.

encode can be use to encode a circuit to a CNF file:

[ miniCkt ] >> encode by PTST to ckt1.cnf

PTST means "pure tseitin transformation" that is we do not assign value to PO.
If you want to have an traditional circuit sat instance, use method TST:

[ miniCkt ] >> encode by TST to ckt1.cnf

If you want to solve circuit SAT in minisat, you could use cmd sat:

[ miniCkt ] >> sat by lingeling with PTST

You should specify the sat solver(and its options) and encoding method.

Shell commands

Use ! or cmd shell to run a shell command.

[ miniCkt ] >> !ls
[ miniCkt ] >> shell ls

minickt script

minickt allows user to write scripts and execute them.

Just put wanted commands in a scirpt file then use cmd loadsc to load script:

[ miniCkt ] >> loadsc ./script/

or you can run the script in your os shell with script option:

$ minic script ./script/

There are several sample circuits and scripts in the directory bench and script respectively. Now I will show you some of them. with sample.v

read ./bench/sample.v by primitive
chname sample
write ./bench/sample_copy.v by primitive

This script( will read sample.v by primitive parser. Then change its name to "sample". Note that if you want to safely write out the circuit with default primitive writer, you should always use chname for guaranteeing there is no "()" in module name. In the end, write out the circuit with name "sample_copy.v" and exit minickt shell. with sample2.v

read ./bench/sample2.v by primitive
sg all -v
set a b c 1
set d 0
sg out -v

First, we read sample2.v by using primitive parser. sg all -v let us know all names of gates with their values. Then we set PI a,b,c and d with value 1,1,1,0 respectively. eval does the simulaiton and we sg again for checking the value of PO "out".