
a viewmodel library for PySide

MVVM, viewmodel, pyside, databinding
pip install miniluv==0.1



a viewmodel library for PySide


Just released. It may contains a few bugs. Anyway the code is well covered by unit tests:

$ coverage run --source miniluv -m unittest miniluv.tests.tests

Ran 17 tests in 0.006s

$ coverage report -m 
Name                                   Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
miniluv/                        2      0   100%   
miniluv/                         38      2    95%   55-56
miniluv/                    154     15    90%   26, 33-34, 65-66, 69-70, 129-130, 159-160, 186-187, 218-219
miniluv/                       27      2    93%   9, 15
miniluv/tests/                  0      0   100%   
miniluv/tests/     106      0   100%   
miniluv/tests/          18      5    72%   22-26
miniluv/tests/                    23      0   100%   
miniluv/tests/                   122      1    99%   151
miniluv/                      35      4    89%   19-20, 27, 38
TOTAL                                    525     29    94%   

what you need

  • PySide 1.2.4
  • Python 2.7

but in the future I'll support Python3 and PySide2

how to use it

Use any python object as a MVVM model. It must use Observable as metaclass and must define observed_fields = (...) as a tuple of fields to be observed.

class MyModel(object):
    __metaclass__ = Observable

    field1 = None
    field2 = None
    field3 = None

    observed_fields = ('field1', 'field2', 'field3')

then add a view instance and a model instance to the ViewModel

    model = Model()
    view = AView()
    vm = ViewModel(model)

ViewModel will manage 2-way databinding. Just be sure that the object's name for the field inside the view matches the name of a field inside the model.

a gist is here.

what's missing

  • documentation ( in a near future)
  • documentation (inside the code... sorry for that...)

TODO needs to be refactored a little... but it'll be easy.