
The minos-discovery plugin of the Minos Framework

clariteia, minos, microservice, saga, aggregate, aggregates, circuit-breaker, cqrs, domain-driven-design, event-driven, event-sourcing, framework, microservices, microservices-architecture, python
pip install minos-discovery-minos==0.8.0.dev1


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minos-python: The framework which helps you create reactive microservices in Python

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Minos is a framework which helps you create reactive microservices in Python. Internally, it leverages Event Sourcing, CQRS and a message driven architecture to fulfil the commitments of an asynchronous environment.

Foundational Patterns

The minos framework is built strongly following the following set of patterns:

Application architecture


  • Decompose by subdomain: Define services corresponding to Domain-Driven Design (DDD) subdomains
  • Self-contained Service: Microservices can respond to a synchronous request without waiting for the response from any other service.

Data management

  • Database per service: Keep each microservice's persistent data private to that service and accessible only via its API. A service's transactions only involve its database.
  • Saga: Transaction that spans multiple services.
  • CQRS: view database, which is a read-only replica that is designed to support queries that retrieves data from microservice. The application keeps the replica up to date by subscribing to Domain events published by the service that own the data.
  • Domain event: A service often needs to publish events when it updates its data. These events might be needed, for example, to update a CQRS view.
  • Event Sourcing: Event sourcing persists the state of a business entity such an Order or a Customer as a sequence of state-changing events. Whenever the state of a business entity changes, a new event is appended to the list of events. Since saving an event is a single operation, it is inherently atomic. The application reconstructs an entity's current state by replaying the events.

Communication style

  • Messaging: Services communicating by exchanging messages over messaging channels. (Apache Kafka is used in this case)

External APIs

  • API gateway: Single entry point for all clients. The API gateway proxy/route to the appropriate service.

Service discovery

  • Service registry: Database of services. A service registry might invoke a service instance's health check API to verify that it is able to handle requests
  • Self Registration: Each service instance register on startup and unregister on stop.


  • Access token: The API Gateway authenticates the request and passes an access token (e.g. JSON Web Token) that securely identifies the requestor in each request to the services. A service can include the access token in requests it makes to other services.


  • Health Check API: A service has a health check API endpoint (e.g. HTTP /health) that returns the health of the service.


Guided installation

The easiest way to use minos is with the help of the minos-cli, which provides commands to setup both the project skeleton (configures containerization, databases, brokers, etc.) and the microservice skeleton (the base microservice structure, environment configuration, etc.)

Manual installation

If you want to directly use minos without the command-line utility, the following command will install the needed packages:

pip install \
  minos-microservice-aggregate \
  minos-microservice-common \
  minos-microservice-cqrs \
  minos-microservice-networks \


This section includes a set of minimal examples of how-to-work with minos, so that anyone can get the gist of the framework.

Create an Aggregate

Here is an example of the creation the Foo aggregate. In this case, it has two attributes, a bar being a str, and a foobar being an optional reference to the external FooBar aggregate, which it is assumed that it has a something attribute.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional
from minos.aggregate import Aggregate, AggregateRef, ModelRef

class Foo(Aggregate):
    """Foo Aggregate class."""

    bar: str
    foobar: Optional[ModelRef[FooBar]]

class FooBar(AggregateRef):
    """FooBar AggregateRef clas."""

    something: str

Expose a Command

Here is an example of the definition of a command to create Foo instances. To do that, it is necessary to define a CommandService that contains the handling function. It will handle both the broker messages sent to the "CreateFoo" topic and the rest calls to the "/foos" path with the "POST" method. In this case, the handling function unpacks the Request's content and then calls the create method from the Aggregate, which stores the Foo instance following an event-driven strategy (it also publishes the "FooCreated" event). Finally, a Response is returned to be handled by the external caller (another microservice or the API-gateway).

from minos.cqrs import CommandService
from minos.networks import enroute, Request, Response

class FooCommandService(CommandService):
    """Foo Command Service class."""

    @enroute.rest.command("/foos", "POST")
    async def create_foo(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        """Create a new Foo.

        :param request: The ``Request`` that contains the ``bar`` attribute.
        :return: A ``Response`` containing identifier of the already created instance.
        content = await request.content()
        bar = content["bar"]

        foo = await Foo.create(bar)

        return Response({"uuid": foo.uuid})

Subscribe to an Event and Expose a Query

Here is an example of the event and query handling. In this case, it must be defined on a QueryService class. In this case a "FooCreated" event is handled (and only a print of the content is performed). The event contents typically contains instances of AggregateDiff type, which is referred to the difference respect to the previously stored instance. The exposed query is connected to the calls that come from the "/foos/example" path and "GET" method and a naive string is returned.

Disclaimer: A real QueryService implementation must populate a query-oriented database based on the events to which is subscribed to, and expose queries performed over that query-oriented database.

from minos.cqrs import QueryService
from minos.networks import enroute, Request, Response

class FooQueryService(QueryService):
    """Foo Query Service class."""

    async def foo_created(self, request: Request) -> None:
        """Handle the "FooCreated" event.

        :param request: The ``Request`` that contains the ``bar`` attribute.
        :return: This method does not return anything.
        diff = await request.content()
        print(f"A Foo was created: {diff}")

    @enroute.rest.query("/foos/example", "GET")
    async def example(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        """Handle the example query.

        :param request: The ``Request`` that contains the necessary information.
        :return: A ``Response`` instance.
        return Response("This is an example response!")

Interact with another Microservice

Here is an example of the interaction between two microservices through a SAGA pattern. In this case, the interaction starts with a call to the "/foo/add-foobar" path and the "POST" method, which performs a SagaManager run over the ADD_FOOBAR_SAGA saga. This saga has two steps, one remote that executes the "CreateFooBar" command (possibly defined on the supposed "foobar" microservice), and a local step that is executed on this microservice. The CreateFooBarDTO defines the structure of the request to be sent when the "CreateFooBar" command is executed.

from minos.common import ModelType
from minos.cqrs import CommandService
from minos.networks import enroute, Request
from minos.saga import Saga, SagaContext, SagaRequest, SagaResponse

CreateFooBarDTO = ModelType.build("AnotherDTO", {"number": int, "text": str})

def _create_foobar(context: SagaContext) -> SagaRequest:
    something = context["something"]
    content = CreateFooBarDTO(56, something)
    return SagaRequest("CreateFooBar", content)

async def _success_foobar(context: SagaContext, response: SagaResponse) -> SagaContext:
    context["foobar_uuid"] = await response.content()
    return context

async def _error_foobar(context: SagaContext, response: SagaResponse) -> SagaContext:
    raise ValueError("The foobar could not be created!")

async def _update_foo(context: SagaContext) -> None:
    foo = await Foo.get(context["uuid"])
    foo.foobar = context["foobar_uuid"]
    await foo.save()


class FooCommandService(CommandService):
    """Foo Command Service class."""

    @enroute.rest.command("/foo/add-foobar", "POST")
    async def update_foo(self, request: Request) -> None:
        """Run a saga example.

        :param request: The ``Request`` that contains the initial saga's context.
        :return: This method does not return anything.
        content = await request.content()

        await self.saga_manager.run(
            ADD_FOOBAR_SAGA, {"uuid": content["uuid"], "something": content["something"]}


The official API Reference is publicly available at GiHub Pages.


This project follows a modular structure based on python packages.


The core packages provide the base implementation of the framework.


The plugin packages provide connectors to external technologies like brokers, discovery services, databases, serializers and so on.

  • Coming soon...

Source Code

The source code of this project is hosted at GitHub.

Getting Help

For usage questions, the best place to go to is StackOverflow.

Discussion and Development

Most development discussions take place over the GitHub Issues. In addition, a Gitter channel is available for development-related questions.

How to contribute

We are looking forward to having your contributions. No matter whether it is a pull request with new features, or the creation of an issue related to a bug you have found.

Please consider these guidelines before you submit any modification.

Create an issue

  1. If you happen to find a bug, please file a new issue filling the 'Bug report' template.
  2. Set the appropriate labels, so we can categorise it easily.
  3. Wait for any core developer's feedback on it.

Submit a Pull Request

  1. Create an issue following the previous steps.
  2. Fork the project.
  3. Push your changes to a local branch.
  4. Run the tests!
  5. Submit a pull request from your fork's branch.


This project is distributed under the MIT license.