Mir API Framework

pip install mir==1.2.1


Mir Framework

A framework for creating complex, highly-customizable REST APIs and their management dashboards with minimal effort.

Built on top of Eve.


Mir can be installed using pip. The python package includes the framework's core files and a CLI tool used for creating and scaffolding projects, running development and production servers, and deploying your project.

pip install mir

Mir requires a running MongoDB instance.

Starting a Project

Like Eve, Mir is simple.

# initialize a project
mir init my_new_project

# navigate to your project directory
cd my_new_project

# Create a new endpoint
mir model -n new_endpoint

# start a dev server at http://localhost:8080
mir dev

curl http://localhost:8080/new_endpoint


  • Mir creates highly customizable REST APIs using simple, readable configuration files as an alternative to manual CRUD programming. You configure settings and validation for your database resources and get a REST API for free.

  • Automatically creates flexible, fully-featured web-based Admin UIs to manage your API based on the settings and validation specified in your resource configuration files.

  • Includes fully customizable token-based authentication out of the box. Control access per resource, per user, and/or per role via the application's configuration files.

  • Includes document versioning for all resources.

  • Includes media storage for files, videos, and images. Mir also implements an API for manipulating images on-the-fly via query string parameters, modeled after the Cloudinary service.

  • Implements interfaces and APIs for creating custom application routes, request hooks, etc.

  • Provides code APIs for customizing much of the core functionality, including media/file storage and authentication.


To get started developing Mir, first clone the repo and install it as a python package in development mode:

git clone https://github.com/spbrien/mir.git
pip install -e ./mir
  • The core application (which imports/registers all project-specific code and other python modules) is in mir/mir.py
  • The CLI tool is in mir/cli.py
  • The source code for the Admin UI is in admin/src

Working on the API core files

In a separate directory, scaffold out and run a new Mir project:

mir init test_project
cd test_project
mir dev

Once you have a running Mir instance, you can update core files and see your changes in the running instance. Due to the way Mir dynamically imports python modules from project-specific code, many changes require manually restarting the development server:

ctrl + c
mir dev

Working on the Admin UI

In a separate testing directory, scaffold out and run a new Mir project:

mir init test_project
cd test_project
mir dev

In your main Mir directory, change to the admin application folder and start a dev server:

cd admin
npm run dev

This starts a frontend development server for the Admin Vue application at http://localhost:8081

To build your changes into the running mir instance, run npm run build and restart the mir dev server from the testing directory. For the Admin UI, build files should be committed to the Mir package repo.

For full documentation, visit the Python Mir website.