
A tensor-oriented programming language with semantic validation

pip install mistake==0.0.1


Mistake: A tensor-oriented programming language with semantic validation

Some sizable amount of programming problems boil down to gnashing tensors together in various ways. If you are running simple algorithms over vast amounts of data, go look at numpy or pandas or tensorflow or...

On the other hand, if you do a lot of interrelated numeric-processing projects with fiddly requirements for the careful selection and massaging of tensor-like data on the scale of a few dozen megabytes, then perhaps this package is for you. (Maybe one day someone will contribute bindings for numpy so we can all grow fat, dumb, and happy.)

I began work on this language because I think something like it is missing from the ecosystem. I'd like it to plug into Python because these days everything does, and I'd like the notation to be sufficiently expressive.

Why the funny name?

Casting about madly for a project name, I noticed that Edsger Dijkstra called APL on the carpet as follows:


APL is a mistake, carried through to perfection.
It is the language of the future for the programming
techniques of the past: it creates a new generation
of coding bums.

Well, shoot. My whole idea is inspired by APL's array-oriented nature, although I do take measures to keep things intellectually manageable in ways APL does not.

Alright then. What's the big idea?

Small to medium-sized data sets, generally numerical, with a great deal of structure: conventionally the programs to process such data wind up reflecting that structure holographically throughout the code base.

What's more: requirements (or, our understanding of them) change with time. When your assumptions fall, the ripple effects in a conventionally-written program are operational in nature: to make the correct changes, you need to understand how things work at a fairly detailed level.

A language is more than syntax: it's a coherent set of semantics. These can be so arranged that the structure and constraints on data are expressed once (together) and the essential ideas about using the data are not cluttered up with holographic echoes of the structure.

Let me amplify that point: In ordinary 3GL programming (and Python is a 3GL) there is no verified part of the program that says how you should use data. If two things are numbers, you can add, subtract, multiply, or divide them -- but does that make any sense? If we can compute the semantic nature of expressions in advance of the main bulk of runtime, then we can detect and prevent semantic errors before they endanger the validity of our computations.

We get some additional benefits from treating the language as a semantic description of relationships between data and computations. For example:

  • Iteration/looping is banished from the syntax. Statements are inherently parallel (so you can implement that parallelism any way you like).

  • The system can (and should) be "lazy" by only performing that fraction of specified computation which is strictly necessary to answer a user's query.

By tying the DSL back to Python in key places, it's easy (I hope) to bolt this into an existing pipeline. Ideally you'll write Python where Python makes the most sense, and write Mistake code where Mistake makes the most sense.

Where do we stand?

Some bits work, but much is still conceptual.

  • There is a sandbox folder with some embryonic bits that are slowly growing into a usable system.
    • Some of those bits are automated tests.
    • There's an entry point at sandbox/cradle.py. It was focused on the basics of semantic validation, but remains quite capable of scribbling all over STDERR.
  • The grammar file is at src/mistake/mistake_grammar.md.
  • The notes folder contains design considerations.
    • At the moment, the most important of these is KISS: "Keep it simple, Sally!"
  • Some modicum of functionality is in the src/mistake folder.
  • The beginnings of user-level documentation is starting to appear on readthedocs

How do you play with this?

Although there is a package registered on PyPI, this is still at a stage where you probably want the docs and sandbox which are only part of what you get if you clone something off github. So should you clone MASTER or the latest tagged release? If you want something where all the tests are sure to pass, then grab a tagged release. If you want to follow progress and don't mind occasional breakage during this pre-alpha phase, consider cloning MASTER instead.

In the docs folder, read the background and the road map before trying to understand the rest. Read the KISS.md file before judging things harshly. And please keep in mind this whole thing is as much about the semantic type-system as anything else (such as actual computation) at least for now.