
a Jenkins job management tool

pip install miura==0.1.2



a Jenkins job management tool. Miura can create, update, and delete on mass for multiple jobs that vary slightly in configuration.


to create jobs with miura, the following is needed:

  • a job template, providing a template for a job
  • a directory, containing one or more files storing data with yaml
  • a python file, contaning


Getting Started

Let's start with the most basic example. Create a directory scripts, and a file called example.py with the following:

# scripts/example.py
def run(options, data):
    yield {
        'host': JENKINS_HOST_URL
        'name': 'foo'
        'template': 'base.xml'
        'job_data': {}

And choose a job you want to copy off of, and download it to templates/base.xml:

# with wget (Linux)
mkdir -p templates && wget $JENKS_JOB_URL/config.xml -O templates/base.xml
# with curl (OSX)
mkdir -p templates && curl $JENKINS_JOB_URL/config.xml -o templates/base.xml

And you're done! You can now create the foo job with:

miura scripts/example.py

Or the shorthand:

miura example

You can delete the jobs by passing in the script

# delete jobs
miura -d example

See miura -h for a full explanation.

Using templates

Of course, this is not very helpful by itself. The real power of miura comes from not just generating one job, but generating multiple. Let's make a series of jobs that echo different messages to the console.

Jenkins configurations can change over time, so this tutorial isn't going to include any examples of the xml that underlies jenkins jobs. It's a good idea to get familiar with config.xml files yourself: miura doesn't create these from scratch for you. Instead, miura specializies templates you write based off a job you want to replicate.

  • create a freestyle jenkins job "template" that echos 'foo' from the command line.

  • copy that job's config.xml file into templates/echo_template.xml.

    • you can access any job's config.xml file by hitting $JOB_URL/config.xml
  • replace the 'foo' in the config.xml with '{{ message }}', so it looks like the following:

    <hudson.tasks.Shell> echo '{{ job_data.message }}' </hudson.tasks.Shell>

miura uses the jinja2 templating language to specialize it's templates. In the example above, we're going to pass into the template a different message of each job, which will substitute {{message}} with a real value.

Modify the script.py from before with the following:

# scripts/example.py
def run(options, data):
    for echo_message in ('bar', 'baz', 'bat'):
        yield {
            'host': JENKINS_HOST_URL
            'name': 'echo-' + echo_message
            'template': 'echo_template.xml'
            'job_data': {
                'message': echo_message

And you're done! if you run the job now, you'll make three jobs: 'echo-bar', 'echo-baz', and 'echo-bat'.

the run method in each script should yield a dictionary for each job to generate. our example yields through each message we want to create a job for, which miura in turn generates.

Using data

So now we've covered how to generate multiple jobs. But storing all our data with the script file is not very practical: we can't share data among our scripts, and we can't share data filtering code

miura solves this problem by storing data in a separate format all together, and passing an aggregate dictionary of values into each method.

Create a yaml file known as echo.yaml and add it to a directory data:

# data/echo.yaml
  - 'bar'
  - 'baz'
  - 'bat'

Now we have a separation of data and function. We can now remove the data from our script:

# scripts/example.py
def run(options, data):
    for echo_message in data.get('echo_messages'):
        yield {
            'host': JENKINS_HOST_URL
            'name': 'echo-' + echo_message
            'template': 'echo_template.xml'
            'data': {
                'message': echo_message

And you're done!

filtering data

Now that we have our data in a format all our scripts can use, we can share filtering logic as well. If you want to filter your data, you can filter data with one or more filters:

miura -f "echo_messages:ba[z|t]"


We've covered:

  • that miura runs commands through scripts (under scripts/)
  • that miura uses jinja to render templates (under templates/)
  • that miura can store data in a common location (under data/)

Ultimately, our folder structure looks like:

  • /
    • data/
      • echo.yaml
    • scripts/
      • example.py
    • templates/
      • echo_template.xml